30 Library Vocabulary Words with Meanings

A library is a place where most books are kept. Many libraries are public and allow people to pick up books and use them in their homes. Many libraries allow people to borrow books for a few weeks. Others are members of institutions, for example, companies, churches, schools and universities. And individual home shelves can be stocked with books and a library.

Library Vocabulary Words

Following is a list of vocabulary words associated with Library:

  1. Atlas: collection of maps
  2. Author: the person who writes the text of the book
  3. Barcode number: the number identification of the book that is scanned for circulation
  4. Biography: life stories of famous people
  5. Borrow (check out): to take home library materials for a short time
  6. Call number: an alpha-numeric number assigned to a book and printed on the spine, used to help locate the book
  7. Catalog: the tool that lists and allows you to search the entire collection of the library
  8. Circulation desk: the place where library materials are checked out to be borrowed
  9. Database: fee-based online source authored by experts
  10. Dictionary: provides definitions and meanings of words
  11. Due date: the date you must return your library materials
  12. Encyclopedia: book or set of books containing brief, factual articles on topics, event, people, arranged in alphabetical order
  13. Fiction: stories or novels
  14. Hyperlink: highlighted text that when clicked, takes the reader to another page
  15. Index: section at the end of the book that list the topics covered in alphabetical order
  16. Keyword: a searchable word in an online record or text that allows you to locate materials
  17. Non-fiction: true stories, facts
  18. Publisher: the company that prints and distributes the book
  19. Reference: section in the library for encyclopedias, dictionaries, altases, etc
  20. Reference book: Books such as encyclopedias and dictionaries that may only be used in the library.
  21. Reference desk: A desk where someone can help you find information either in the library or online. The circulation desk and the reference desk are sometimes combined into one desk.
  22. Renew: To extend the loan period on an item; to check an item out again so you can keep it longer.
  23. Request: To ask the library to hold a book for you when it is checked out by another student. We will email you when the book comes back and is ready for you to check out.
  24. Search box: tool for finding information on a web site by typing in keywords
  25. Spine: the back edge of the book that is visible when on the shelf
  26. Table of contents: Lists the title and page number of all the chapters in a book.
  27. URL: web address
  28. Website: free online source authored by anyone
  29. Librarian A person who works in the library; a specialist in the library and information field.  If you are having difficulty finding what you need, you can ask a librarian for help.

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