A syllable is part of a word that contains the sounds (phonemes) of the voice. It usually has a vowel in the middle. The syllable is also called a ‘rhythm’ and teachers often teach children to identify members by clapping ‘beats’ with words. Another way to define the word ‘mouth’ is word.
Here are examples of syllables within words:
‘lake’ – has one syllable
‘pa-per’ – has two syllables
‘en-er-gy – has three syllables
‘cal-cu-la-tor’ – has four syllables
‘comm-u-ni-ca-tion – has five syllables
‘res-pon-si-bi-li-ty’ – has six syllables
Now in order to understand the stress of words, we need to understand the different letters. All words have one or more letters. Character is a form of pronunciation. It may consist of a single vowel or a vowel and one or more consonant sounds. Note that with the exception of a few exceptions all members contain at least one vowel (a, e, i, o or u) or a vowel sound. All words are made up of groups of letters. Each word has groups of one, two, three or more.
Six Syllable Words for Kids
antediluvian | incomprehensible | indefatigable | supernumerary |
circumnavigation | discontinuity | prestidigitation | superannuated |
disambiguation | dissimilation | responsibility | teleportality |
disappriciated | ellemosynary | sesquicentennial | verisimilitude |
Keep exploring EnglishBix to learn various types of syllables in English language.
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