Social studies can as well be referred a social sciences. It’s a subject where human behavior, relationships, resources, and institutions are studied and expressed.
There are specific topics in social studies which are covered and studied in school – geography, anthropology, economics, history, sociology, political science, and civics.
The most important reason of teaching social studies or social science is to teach students to become good citizens. We are living in a dissimilar society — one that requires knowledge of social studies to succeed.
Social Studies Vocabulary Words with Meaning Following is a list of common terms related to social studies from a to z for teaching kids:
Agriculture : the class of people engaged in growing foodAlienate : make withdrawn or isolated or emotionally dissociatedAmbassador : a diplomat of the highest rankAmendment : a statement that is added to a proposal or documentAssertion : a declaration that is made emphaticallyAssets : anything of material value owned by a person or companyAuthoritarian : characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute ruleAlien: person not born in the country they are living inAlliance: agreement between nations to aid and protect one anotherArtifact: material object of culture such as a tool, article of clothing or prepared foodBarter: to trade without using moneyCharter: document given by a monarch to create a colonyCivilization: highly developed level of cultural and technological developmentCitizen: a native or naturalized member of a stateColony: group of people who settle in a distant land but are still ruled by the government of their native landCulture: entire way of life developed by a peopleConstitution: the constitution written at the constitutional convention in philadelphia in 1787 and subsequently ratified by the original thirteen statesCongress: the legislature of the united states governmentCatastrophe : an event resulting in great loss and misfortuneClergy : the entire class of religious officialsColonial : relating to a body of people who settle far from homeConservative : a person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideasDemocracy : a political system in which power lies in a body of citizensDictator : a ruler who is unconstrained by lawDiplomat : an official engaged in international negotiationsDirect tax: a tax paid directly by the person or organization on whom it is leviedEmbassy : a building where diplomats live or workExecutive: a person responsible for the administration of a businessElection: vote to select the winner of a position or political officeEconomics: the study of how people manage limited resources to satisfy their wants and needsElectoral college: group of electors that vote for the presidentExpansion: to make a country largerExpedition: journey for a particular purposeExports: products made in one country and going to anotherExtended family: several generations of family membersFederal: central governmentFederation: a principle of the united states constitution that establishes the division of power between the federal and state govtFamine : a severe shortage of food resulting in starvation and deathFederal : nationalFeminist : a supporter of equal rights for womenFeudal system : the social system in which vassals were protected by lordsGeography: the study of people their environments and their resourcesHouse of representatives: group of elected officials, based on state population, that make lawsHardliner : a conservative who is uncompromisingHaven : a shelter serving as a place of safety or sanctuaryHouse of representatives: the lower legislative assembly of the united states congressHeyday : the period of greatest prosperity or productivityImport: trade product brought into a countryImpeachment : a formal document charging a public official with misconductImperialism : a policy of extending your rule over foreign countriesIndustry : the action of making of goods and services for saleInsurgent : a member of an irregular force that fights a stronger forceIntegration : incorporating a racial or religious group into a communityJudicial: courtsJudicial review: power of the supreme court to overturn a lawLegislative: congress, relating to a lawmaking assemblyLevy: to imposeLiberty: freedomLimitation of powers: principle of the constitution that states that the govt only has the power that the constitution gives itLiberal : a person who favors a philosophy of progress and reformLegislative branch: the branch of the united states government that makes lawsMatriarchy : social organization in which a female is the family headMonarchy : autocracy governed by a ruler who usually inherits authorityMaize: field of cornMigration: movement of many asians to the continent of north americaMonarchy: rule by a king or queenMonopoly: a company or group having control of all or nearly all of the business of an industryNuclear family: mother, father, and childrenNationalism : love of country and willingness to sacrifice for itNomad : a member of a people who have no permanent homeOuster : the act of ejecting someone or forcing them outPreamble: introduction to the constitution that states its goalPrecedent : something that has not been done beforePrimary source: first hand information about people or eventsRepublic: system of government in which citizens choose representatives to govern themParliament : a legislative assembly in certain countriesPatriarchy : a form of social organization in which men hold powerPatriotism : love of country and willingness to sacrifice for itPolls : the place where people votePredecessor : one who goes before you in timeRural: country or farmlandRepresentatives: serving to typifyRepresentations: standing in for someone and speaking on their behalfRadical : a person who has revolutionary ideas or opinionsReform : make changes for improvement to remove abuse and injusticesReign : the period during which a monarch is in powerResurgence : bringing again into activity and prominenceSecondary source: account provided after the fact by people who dod not directly witness of participate in the eventSectionalism: loyalty to a state or section, rather than a country as a wholeSenate: group of elected officials that make lawsSanction : a mechanism of social control for enforcing standardsSubsequent : following in time or orderTotalitarian : of a government with an authority exerting absolute controlTrend : a general direction in which something tends to moveUnemployment : the situation in which people are willing and able to work at current wages but do not have jobs.Unicameral : a state government with a single legislative chamberUrban : an area characterized as a city or town where the population density is greater than in the surrounding area and is acknowledged as a major cultural, service, and production location in a regionVigilant : one who takes or advocates the taking of law enforcement into one’s own hands.Voluntarism : people who work without monetary compensation to help others in their family, schools, communities, state, nation, and the worldWants : things that people desire.Watershed : an area of land drained by a river and its tributariesWeather : atmospheric conditions as regards to temperature, moisture, windsWith a social studies background, children become adults that can participate respectfully in our democratic society.
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