Adjectives Words To Describe Heartbreak

Heartbreak is the worst feeling in the world and it is very painful, it feels like the heart is literally shattering into pieces and making you totally motionless and empty and it makes you want to not live anymore.

Adjective Words to Describe Heartbreak

Following are common adjective words describing the feeling of heartbreak:

awfulinspired by a feeling of fearful wonderment
bitter proceeding from or exhibiting great hostility or animosity
constantcontinually recurring or continuing without interruption
continuousextending without break or irregularity
continualseemingly without interruption
eternalcontinuing forever or indefinitely
helplessLying ill and helpless
hiddendifficult to find
inevitableincapable of being avoided or prevented
intensein an extreme degree
mocktreat with contempt
occasionaloccurring or appearing at usually irregular intervals
painfulcausing misery or pain or distress
piteousdeserving or inciting pity
possibleexisting in possibility
profoundof the greatest intensity; complete
quietcharacterized by an absence or near absence of agitation or activity
seriousof great consequence
slownot active or brisk
suddenhappening without warning or in a short space of time
tragicof or relating to or characteristic of tragedy
unbearableimpossible to bear
utterarticulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise
worsesomething inferior in condition or effect
worstmost wanting in condition