Mindset is sometimes confused for attitude, and I want to discuss how they effect our lives and decisions.
An attitude is a positive, negative, or mixed assessment of an object, which is expressed at a certain level of intensity. It is a complex organization of experimental beliefs, feelings, and inclinations.
In simple language, an attitude is the manner, disposition, feeling, and position about a person or thing, tendency, or orientation, especially in mind. while
Attitude is how we interact with our world which comes from our conscious mind and is only responsible for 5% of our thinking and actions, while Our mindset is how we perceive the world around us. This is our subconscious mind and powers 95% of our thinking and actions.
Words to Describe Attitude and Mindset
Following are some common adjectives used to describe positive Attitude and growth mindset:
Amused | Confident | Fanciful |
Angry | Consoling | Flippant |
Apathetic | Contemplative | Forthright |
Appreciative | Conventional | Friendly |
Arrogant | Critical | Furious |
Artificial | Cynical | Giddy |
Awe | Disappointed | Happy |
Belligerent | Disdainful | Humorous |
Benevolent | Disgruntled | Hurtful |
Brave | Disgusted | Indignant |
Callous | Disinterested | Irreverent |
Tired | Uninterested | Vibrant |
Whimsical | Wrathful | Wry |
Cheery | Dreamy | Irritated |
Childish | Droll | Joking |
Choleric | Earnest | Joyful |
Coarse | Ecstatic | Loving |
Cold | Elated | Malicious |
Comical | Encouraging | Outraged |
Complimentary | Enthusiastic | Passionate |
Condemnatory | Erudite | Reflective |
Condescending | Facetious | Relaxed |
Ridiculing | Romantic | Sad |
Sardonic | Satiric | Scornful |
Silly | Snooty | Surly |
Surprised | Testy | Threatening |
Our liking or disliking of something determines how we react to it. We often approach, seek, or associate with our interests; we avoid, shun, or reject things that we do not like.
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