Adjective Words to Describe Attitude and Mindset

Mindset is sometimes confused for attitude, and I want to discuss how they effect our lives and decisions. 

An attitude is a positive, negative, or mixed assessment of an object, which is expressed at a certain level of intensity. It is a complex organization of experimental beliefs, feelings, and inclinations.

In simple language, an attitude is the manner, disposition, feeling, and position about a person or thing, tendency, or orientation, especially in mind. while

Attitude is how we interact with our world which comes from our conscious mind and is only responsible for 5% of our thinking and actions, while Our mindset is how we perceive the world around us. This is our subconscious mind and powers 95% of our thinking and actions.

Words to Describe Attitude and Mindset

Following are some common adjectives used to describe positive Attitude and growth mindset:

Amused Confident Fanciful
Angry Consoling Flippant
Apathetic Contemplative Forthright
Appreciative Conventional Friendly
Arrogant Critical Furious
Artificial Cynical Giddy
Awe Disappointed Happy
Belligerent Disdainful Humorous
Benevolent Disgruntled Hurtful
Brave Disgusted Indignant
Callous Disinterested Irreverent
Tired Uninterested Vibrant
Whimsical Wrathful Wry


Cheery Dreamy Irritated
Childish Droll Joking
Choleric Earnest Joyful
Coarse Ecstatic Loving
Cold Elated Malicious
Comical Encouraging Outraged
Complimentary Enthusiastic Passionate
Condemnatory Erudite Reflective
Condescending Facetious Relaxed
Ridiculing Romantic Sad
Sardonic Satiric Scornful
Silly Snooty Surly
Surprised Testy Threatening

Our liking or disliking of something determines how we react to it. We often approach, seek, or associate with our interests; we avoid, shun, or reject things that we do not like.

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  1. Top 10 Qualities of a Successful Person
  2. Adjectives for Feelings and Emotions

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  1. Top 10 Qualities of a Successful Person
  2. Adjectives for Feelings and Emotions