Adjectives Words To Describe Mountains

The mountains usually have steep, sloping sides and sharp or round pillars, and a high point, called a peak or summit. Most geologists classify a mountain as topography or a land reform that rise at least 300 mtrs or more above the surrounding area.

A mountain range is a series or chain of mountains that are close together.

Adjective Words to Describe Mountains

Now let us work on the adjectives words describing mountains and hills:

Adjacent Grecian Several
Alpine Green Sheer
Appalachian High Snow Capped
Beautiful Highland Snow-Clad
Blue Hilly Snow-Covered
Carpathian Huge Solitary
Chinese Isolated Steel-Coloured
Covered Jagged Steep


Craggy Lofty Sterile
Dark Low Swiss
Distant Many Upland
Dreary Mountainous Whole
Eastern New Wild
Fine Northern Rolling
Gentle Pelican Rugged
Gigantic Remote Gradual
Graded Retired Great

Using these adjectives you can easily write about beautiful mountain views and describe your experience.

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