The movement basically refers to the action a person or a thing or an animal makes while doing any activity. You can make use of the below list for describing different types of movement and use them in the sentences. You can use all these adjective words in your vocabulary and use them as and when required.
Adjective Words to Describe Movement
agile | hurry | slither |
ahead | jab | slouch |
amble | jog | slow |
balance | jump | smash |
barrel | languid | snake |
behind | lazy | sneak |
bend | leap | soar |
bolt | left | south |
bounce | leisurely | speedy |
bound | lift | spin |
brisk | light | sprint |
burst | linear | sprint |
careen | loiter | stagger |
carve | lumber | stalk |
catch | march | stamp |
chase | meander | stately |
chop | measured | step |
clap | melt | stomp |
climb | mosey | streak |
clockwise | move | stretch |
close | nimble | strike |
crawl | non-linear | stroll |
creep | north | strong |
dance | open | strut |
dart | over | sudden |
dash | pass | swagger |
dawdle | plod | sway |
deft | pluck | swerve |
deliberate | plummet | swift |
dig | plunge | swing |
direct | poke | swoop |
dive | pose | tap |
dodge | prance | throw |
down | propel | tickle |
downwind | pull | tiptoe |
drag | punch | trot |
drive | quick | trudge |
drop | race | tumble |
duck | ram | turn |
east | right | twirl |
edge | rise | twist |
fall | roll | under |
fast | run | up |
flap | rush | upwind |
flee | sail | waddle |
flip | saunter | walk |
flounce | scamper | waltz |
fly | scramble | west |
free | scuttle | whisk |
freeze | shake | wiggle |
gallop | shove | worm |
glide | shrug | wriggle |
grab | shuffle | wring |
hang | skate | zigzag |
heave | skip | zip |
homeward | skitter | zoom |
hop | slide | |
hurl | slink |
Here are some example sentences that will help you understand the right usage of the adjective words in English.
#1 It was a bright sunny day and Maya could see the birds moving swiftly around the garden.
#2 The barrels of oil were rolling down the lane when the elves tried to pull them back and used them for storage.
#3 Mohit was gliding in the air with his skates and learning new skills for his competition.
#4 Stephen was tip-toeing to the kitchen to get all his midnight snacks.
If you want to learn more about adjective words in English, you can stick to the EnglishBix website. We will be providing you multiple adjective words that you can use as your day-to-day vocabulary.