Implied Conditionals With Examples In Grammar

Implied Condition is another form of conditional sentences and in this form the true meaning is explained. But even though it is said, its meaning is the same. In other words, there will be more than one sentence with the same meaning.

In its use, “if clause” is usually in the form of implicit, neither explicit nor stated.

(a) I would have gone with you, but I had to study.
Implied condition: if I hadn’t had to study
(b) I never would have succeeded without your help.
Implied condition: if you hadn’t helped me. Often the “if clause” is implied, not stated.

Conditional verbs are still used in the “result clause”.
(c) She ran; otherwise, she would have missed her bus. Conditional verbs are frequently used following otherwise. In (c), the implied “if clause” is: If she had not run, she would have missed her bus.

Examples of Implied Conditionals

Example 1:
a. She would have missed her bus, but she ran.
b. She ran. Otherwise, she would have missed her bus.
The Implied condition

  1. She would have missed her bus if she hadn’t run.
  2. If she hadn’t run, she would have missed her bus.

Example 2:
a. I never would have succeeded without your help.
b. I never would have succeeded, but you helped me.
The Implied condition

a. I never would have succeeded if you hadn’t helped me.
b. If you hadn’t helped me, I never would have succeeded.

Example 3:

  1. I would have delayed submitting reports, but I worked hard

The Implied condition

  1. I never would have been able to submit the reports if not worked hard

Example 4:

  1. She would have failed without your support

The Implied condition

  1. If you hadn’t supported her, she would have failed

Example 5:

  1. He would have remained sleeping and missed his destination but you woke him up

The Implied condition

  1. If you hadn’t woken him, he would have remained sleeping and missed his destination.

Example 6:

  1. The cat would have eaten the pigion but you shouted and saved the life

The Implied condition

  1. If you wouldn’t have shouted, cat would have eaten the pigion

Example 7:

  1. The girl would have drowned, but you reached in time and saved her life

The Implied condition

  1. If you wouldn’t have reached in time, the girl would have drowned.

Example 8:

  1. Fire brigade reached in time and saved the burning house

The Implied condition

  1. The house would have got burnt if the fire brigade couldn’t have reached in time.

Example 9:

  1. I would have missed the flight, but you helped me reaching the airport

The Implied condition:

  1. If you wouldn’t helped me I would have missed the flight

Example 10:

  1. The ambulance was stuck in the traffic, but you made the way to pass the ambulance

The Implied condition:

  1. If you wouldn’t have made the way for an ambulance, ambulance would have remained stuck in the traffic.