Neopronouns List with Example Sentences

We all know that pronouns are words which are used as an alternative for other nouns, like “she,” “he,” or “they.”

Neo pronouns are a category of new (neo) pronouns that are progressively used in place of “she,” “he,” or “they” when referring to a person.

List of neo pronouns:

  • Xe/Xem/Xyr
  • Ey/Em/Eir
  • Zie/Zim/Zir
  • Ve/Ver/Vis
  • Ne/Nem/Nir

Anyone can use Neopronouns, but they are mostly used by transgender, non-binary, and/or gender nonconforming people.

Examples of Neo Pronouns

Let us look at the neo pronouns with example sentences below:

EyEy went to the store for grocerry
EmI met em today in the club
EirEy walked eir dog today in park
EirsIf I need a car my friend will let me borrow eirs
EmselfEy has to ride emself to school.
XeXe went to the shop for an icecream
XemI met xem today for coffee
XyrXe walked xyr child today for long
XyrsIf I need a phone, my friend will let me borrow xyrs.
XemselfXe has to drive xemself to office.
Ve/ViVe/Vi went for a shopping
Ver/VirI spoke ver/vir today 
VisVe spent good time vis his friend today.
Vers/VirsIf I need a phone my friend will let me purchase vers/virs.
Verself/VirselfVe has to drive verself/virself to school.
ZeZe went to the market
ZirI met zir after a long time
ZirZe walked zir pet in market
ZirsIf I need a phone my friend will let me borrow zirs.
ZirselfZe has to drive zirself to airport
EmI met em today in flight
EirE walked eir dog today.
SieSie is fun. Sie loves herself
NeNe is my friend in school

You don’t have to worry about their pronunciation! because there are many variations and some common ways to pronounce these pronouns, so it is better you ask someone who uses them.

Quick Links

8 Types of Pronouns in EnglishFirst, Second, and Third Person Pronouns