What is the sound of Ng?
The sound of ‘ng’, like the word sing, is made behind the mouth. The back of the tongue protrudes from the soft palate, the soft, shiny part just right behind the roof of your mouth. The tip of the tongue stays down and forward, and may rest behind the lower front teeth..
The n sound, as in the word now, is made when the font and the sides of the tongue rise to the roof of the mouth and touch the back of the front teeth and the inner line of the teeth.
NG Phonics Words List for Kids
Let us work now on ‘ng’ words phonics:
bang | longer | sling | baking |
hang | singer | sting | bowling |
rang | England | spring | rewarding |
gang | English | swing | reworking |
king | anger | thing | handwriting |
sing | finger | tongue | climbing |
ping | hunger | wrong | rafting |
wing | lung | kangaroo | skating |
wings | long | hearing | racing |
ring | ding | sparing | jumping |
string | dong | fingertip | biking |
wearing | banging | flamingo | buying |
bring | hanging | Singapore | dancing |
jungle | ringing | mongoose | eating |
Now it is time to play a fun board game where we will fill in the blanks
So, let us the game below:-
Name:____________ Date:___________
Fill in the blanks
- It’s fun to watch the car _______ with my friends
- I am going to _______ in my annual day function
- I used my _________ to pull my key
- I am fond of _________ the tree
- I am _________ a story for my annual magazine
- My friend is ________ a cake on my birthday
- I enjoy doing _______ with my friends
- I saw a bird with colorful _______
sing | baking | wings | racing |
fingers | climbing | writing | skating |