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Astronomy Word Search Mini-Workbook

The study of everything in the universe beyond Earth’s atmosphere is known as Astronomy. That includes objects we can see with our naked eyes, like the Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the stars, etc.

Try these word searches related to astronomy and check how many words you can find.

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Natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena is called as astronomy. Astronomy uses physics, mathematics, and chemistry in order to explain their origin and evolution. Objects of interest include stars, nebulae, galaxies, planets, moons, and comets.

The word search printables test your knowledge of astronomy vocabulary which include words like albedo, Alpha, Centauri etc.

Here are examples of astronomy words you’ll find in the puzzle.

  • Celestial
  • Equator
  • Cislunar
  • Cluster
  • Comet
  • Coriolis

Print the puzzle for your kids and let them enjoy learning vocabulary words related to astronomy.


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