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Deserts of the World Word Search Mini-Workbook

A desert is just not land with only dry sand. It is a region that receives less than 25 cm of rain per year on average.

Try these word searches related to deserts of the world and check how many words you can find.

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The arid and semi-arid parts of the Earth’s surface where the deserts are exist. Deserts are mainly found on the sub-tropical high pressure belt region where the subsidence of air and the inversion of temperature take place.

The word search printables test your knowledge of deserts of the world vocabulary which include words like Arabian, Gobi, Kalahari etc.

Here are examples of deserts of the world words you’ll find in the puzzle.

  • Plateau
  • Sonoran
  • Kyzylkum
  • Taklamakan
  • Thar
  • Registan

Print the puzzle for your kids and let them enjoy learning vocabulary words related to deserts of the world.


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