Real Estate Abbreviations and Acronyms List for Property

People often use the terms landreal estate, and real property interchangeably, but there are some subtle distinctions.

  • Land refers to the earth’s surface down to the center of the earth and upward to the airspace above, including the trees, minerals, and water.
  • Real estate is the land, plus any permanent man-made additions, such as houses and other buildings.
  • Real property—one of the two main classifications of property—is the interests, benefits and rights inherent in the ownership of real estate.

Broadly speaking, real estate includes the physical surface of the land, what lies above and below it, what is permanently attached to it, plus all the rights of ownership—including the right to possess, sell, lease, and enjoy the land.

Real property shouldn’t be confused with personal property, which encompasses all property that doesn’t fit the definition of real property.

Real Estate Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation / AcronymMeaning
ARVafter-repair value
CMAcomparative market analysis
COCR/CCRcash-on-cash return
COFcost of funds
COO/C of Ocertificate of occupancy
CREcommercial real estate
DSCR/DCR/DSRdebt service coverage ratio
FMRfair market rent
FMVfair market value
FSBOfor sale by owner
GRMgross rent multiplier
HMLhard money lender
HOAhomeowners association
HUDFederal Department of Housing and Urban Development
IRRinternal rate of return
JVjoint venture
L/Olease option
LLClimited liability company
LLPlimited liability partnership
MDUmultiple-dwelling unit
MFHmulti family home
MLSMultiple Listing Service
NNNtriple-net lease
NOInet operating income
NOOnon-owner occupied
O/Fowner finance
P&Spurchase and sale
PCFprice-to-cash-flow ratio
POAproperty owners association
REIreal estate investing
REITreal estate investment trust
REOreal estate owned
ROIreturn on investment
RTOrent to own
SFHsingle-family home
APRannual percentage rate
ARMadjustable-rate mortgage
CCRconditions, covenants, and restrictions
CFDcontract for deed
CLTVcombined loan-to-value ratio
DOSdue on sale clause
DOTdeed of trust
DTIdebt-to-income ratio
EMCearnest money contract
FHAFederal Housing Administration
GNMAGovernment National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae)
LOCline of credit
LOIletter of intent
LTVloan-to-value ratio
PITIprincipal, interest, taxes, and insurance
PMIprivate mortgage insurance
POFproof of funds
SUB2subject to existing financing
TILTruth In Lending Act
VAVeterans Administration

Quick Links

  1. Words to Describe Building and Architecture
  2. Construction Vocabulary Words