Adjective Words To Describe Cave

The caves are dark and empty. They are mostly build underground, on hills, or on cliff walls. Some caves were engraved with water. Some are made of hot mud that has cooled and hardened.

Sometimes stalactites and stalagmites are found in caves. They are made up of minerals in dripping water.

The person who explores and reads the caves is called a spelunker. There is so much to discover in this unique place!

Adjective Words to Describe Caves

Following are some adjectives used to describing different types of Caves:

artificialnot arising from natural growth
bigof very great significance
blackdeliberately misleading
deeplarge in size
famouswidely known and esteemed
greatof major significance or importance
hiddendifficult to find
holyderived from or associated with a divine power
hugeunusually great in size
largeairly large or important in effect
largestgreatest in size of those under consideration
littlenot fully grown
mysteriousbeyond ordinary understanding
naturalin accordance with nature; relating to or concerning nature
nearby not far away in relative terms
rockyabounding in rocks or stones
sacredconcerned with religion
secretnot openly made known
shallow lacking depth
smallnot large but sufficient in size
undergroundconducted with or marked by hidden aims
underwaterbeneath the surface of the water
vastunusually great in size