Adjective Words To Describe Cow

The cow has four stomachs and performs a special digestive process to eat the hard and deceptive food you eat.

When a cow starts to eat, she chews enough food to swallow it. The un-chewed food goes to the first two stomachs, the rumen and reticulum, where it is stored until later.

When a cow is full of this feeding process, she rests. Later, the cow coughs up pieces of raw food called cud and chews it completely before swallowing it again. The cud then goes to the third and fourth stomach, the omasum and abomasum, where it is completely digested.

Some of this digested food enters the bloodstream and goes into a sac called the udder, where milk is made from the udder, and everything else is fed to the cow.

In a day, a cow spends about 6.5 hours eating and drinking all of her food.

Adjective Words to Describe Cow

Following are adjectives used for describing Cows:

WordMeaning or Phrase
betterIt seems to me that there never was a better cow than mine,
BigI can see him yet rolling over and over embracing a big cow
blackThen one big black cow took up a mouthful of grass directly,
brownthe crown cow must have been gone since early morning.
commonpractice to cross the Yak with the common cow
deadthe old cow is dead
famousfamous cow with a crumpled horn who tossed the dog,
favouritea favourite cow
finePearl helped her young friend to milk the two fine cows
freshif we’d had a fresh cow for milking
gentle even the gentle cows showed evidence of nervousness
goodhe buys a country place and a good cow
greendid you ever see a green cow
holyBy the holy cow
humblehumble cows, as we call an humble bee
littlelittle cow chasing big cows
milkedRevives the milked cow
newthe butter from the milk of a new cow
occasionalAvenue was still frequented by the occasional cow
oldan old cow flopped by in a panic
patienta little enclosure in which stood a patient cow chewing her cud
playfulI was pursued down the village street at Pontresina by a playful cow
poorThe first thing the poor cow did was to lick her calf
purehaving pipes discharging pure cows milk.
realchildren went to see the real cow
recklessthe ravage spread by a reckless cow in a foreign field.
remainingshe had sailed, not only the remaining cow, and her calf, but several of the goats.
republicanleaving the republic cow to walk away, to take her pleasure on the hills
respectablecow is respectable by many
restlessthe restless cows lowed
sickwolves lie in wait for the sick cow
slaveryan anti slavery cow
sorrythe word means the sorry cow
silverthe silver cow
spottedat dawn she tows a spotty cow to graze upon the village green;
stablecow is stable to move around
stolenstolen cow was returned to its owner
strayedstrayed cow was sheltered and protected
strongI remembered how he had worried a strong cow in half a minute,
superiorThe undersigned begs to inform the public that a very superior cow will be slaughtered
unfortunatean unfortunate cow with its hind-quarters shattered.
unhappythe unhappy cows stood patiently
unluckywhere an unlucky cow was punished and killed
visiblewe took the hint from a  visible cow that milk might be had.
weakcow is weak for milking
whitewhite cow is religious
wonderfulone of the horns of this wonderful cow
woundedonce I saw a wounded cow
youngnew milk from a young cow that feeds upon the sweetest grass