The Dragon is a mythical monster traditionally represented as a giant reptile with a long tail, sharp claws, scaly skin and often with wings. In other words it is a reptile flying creature that breathes smoke and fire, or an aggressive person.
Adjective Words to Describe Dragon
Following are some adjective words for describing various types of Dragons:
air lifting | hair raising | old | sizeable | terrific |
alarming | headed | penetrated | skimming | terrifying |
black | hideous | penetrated | sleeping | towering |
breathing | horrid | petrified | small | unjoyful |
breathtaking | hover | phenomenal | soar | unreasonable |
chinese | huge | prancing | solid | unrefined |
extraordinary | hungry | prodigious | speckled | uplifting |
extreme | imaginary | prostrate | spine chilling | vanquished |
fearsome | iron | razor sharp | spouting | venomous |
fierce | large | red | steal | watchful |
fiery | lofty | remotest | stupendous | wicked |
flying | lonely | respecting | sturdy | wily |
glide | mighty | revengeful | swift | winged |
gold | multi colored | scaly | take wing | wounded |
green | numerous | silly | terrible | writhing |