100 Adjective Words to Describe Friendship

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. It is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an “acquaintance” or “association” such as a classmate, neighbor, co-worker, or colleague. in simple words friendship is a state of enduring affection, respect, intimacy, and trust between two people. In all cultures, friendships are important relationships throughout a person’s life.

Friends prevent isolation and loneliness and also give you the opportunity to offer the company you need. Friends can also: Increase your sense of belonging and purpose. Increase your happiness and reduce your stress.

Types of friendship

In philosophical discussions of friendship, it is common to follow Aristotle in distinguishing three kinds of friendship: friendship of pleasure, of utility, and of virtue.

No matter how long your friendship lasts, the most important thing is that your friends accept you for who you are. A good friend walks the talk and shows they care through their actions – big and small.

Words to Describe Friendship

Positive adjectives to describe your friendship:

Supportive Loyal Trustworthy
Understanding Empathetic Compassionate
Affectionate Caring Kind
Respectful Honest Open-minded
Fun-loving Adventurous Playful
Encouraging Motivating Inspiring
Dependable Reliable Committed


Amicable Heartfelt True
Deep Hearty Idealized
Warm Inalienable Lifelong
Mutual Indestructible Genuine
Eternal Inspiring Indissoluble
Beautiful Firm Interracial
Perfect Intergroup Inviolable
Longtime Interrupted Casual
Cordial Honest Passionate
Wonderful Priceless Rewarding
Devoted Respectful Longstanding
Satisfying Undying Unbreakable
Durable Collegial Unshakable
Broken Unbroken Fruitful
Chaste Uncomplicated Frank
Unfailing Unconditional Established
Congenial Everlasting Youthful
Conjugal Uneasy Unselfish

Negative adjectives to describe your friendship.

Betraying Disloyal Selfish
Two-faced Fickle Insecure
Manipulative Jealous Envious
Greedy Possessive Clingy
Controlling Toxic Hurtful

A close friend is honest and speaks from the heart with good intentions. They will tell you what you need to hear in a way that you can hear rather than gossip behind your back. A quality friend is trustworthy, not only is your secret safe with them, but also your vulnerability, fear and weirdness.

Think about the kind of friend you want to be when you consider these five tips to keep your friendships strong for years to come:

  1. Be honest.
  2. Correct incorrect tuning. 
  3. Take time to show appreciation. 
  4. Change your expectations and don’t make assumptions. 
  5. Choose Compassion over Cynicism.

We have a coloring for your friends you can download Luxury Cars Coloring Book for your best friend.

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  1. Words to Describe Your Best Friend