Adjective Words To Describe Monster

Monster – the word itself gives us a thrill. Here are some interesting adjective words that you can use to describe a monster. 

  1. Abhorrent
  2. Abusive
  3. Accomplished
  4. Accursed
  5. Afraid
  6. Anger
  7. Annihilate
  8. Appear
  9. Arch
  10. Artful
  11. Atrocious
  12. Awful
  13. Bad
  14. Baddest
  15. Bawdy
  16. Beastly
  17. Berserk
  18. Biggest
  19. Black
  20. Bloodcurdling
  21. Blooded
  22. Bloodthirsty
  23. Bloody
  24. Bold
  25. Brutal
  26. Bullies
  27. Capture
  28. Chauvinistic
  29. Cheater
  30. Chief
  31. Clever
  32. Comic
  33. Complete
  34. Concoct
  35. Conspirator
  36. Conspire
  37. Consummate
  38. Control
  39. Conventional
  40. Cowardly
  41. Crafty
  42. Creature
  43. Creepy
  44. Cringe
  45. Cruel
  46. Cruelty
  47. Cunning
  48. Cursed
  49. Damned
  50. Dangerous
  51. Dastardly
  52. Death
  53. Decapitate
  54. Deliberate
  55. Demon
  56. Desperate
  57. Despicable
  58. Determined
  59. Detestable
  60. Disappearance
  61. Disguise
  62. Disgusting
  63. Disturbing
  64. Dominant
  65. Doomed
  66. Dragon
  67. Dread
  68. Dyed
  69. Escape
  70. Evil
  71. Execrable
  72. Faced
  73. False
  74. Favorite
  75. Female
  76. Fiend
  77. Folklore
  78. Forceful
  79. Foul
  80. Freak
  81. Frightening
  82. Gargantuan
  83. Gasp
  84. Ghastly
  85. Goblin
  86. Goose Bumps
  87. Gothic
  88. Greater
  89. Greatest
  90. Grisly
  91. Grotesque
  92. Growling
  93. Gruesome
  94. Hag
  95. Hair Raising
  96. Hard
  97. Hardened
  98. Harm
  99. Hate-Monger
  100. Haunt
  101. Hearted
  102. Heartless
  103. Heavy
  104. Heinous
  105. Hellbent
  106. Hideous
  107. Horrendous
  108. Horrible
  109. Huge
  110. Hypocritical
  111. Hysteria
  112. Impudent
  113. Infamous
  114. Infernal
  115. Influence
  116. Insolent
  117. Jealous
  118. Jeer
  119. Kidnapping
  120. Killer
  121. Killing
  122. Kindless
  123. Lecherous
  124. Legerdemain
  125. Lethal
  126. Little
  127. Lore
  128. Lunatic
  129. Lycanthrope
  130. Macabre
  131. Machiavellian
  132. Maim
  133. Main
  134. Male
  135. Malevolence
  136. Malicious
  137. Maniac
  138. Manipulate
  139. Maraud
  140. Masked
  141. Mean
  142. Melodramatic
  143. Menace
  144. Minded
  145. Miserable
  146. Monster
  147. Monstrous
  148. Murderous
  149. Mutilate
  150. Mysterious
  151. Nasty
  152. Nemesis
  153. Nightmare
  154. Notorious
  155. Obliterate
  156. Obscure
  157. Obvious
  158. Old
  159. Outlandish
  160. Perfect
  161. Perfidious
  162. Perjured
  163. Persecution
  164. Poisonous
  165. Possessed
  166. Potent
  167. Powerful
  168. Prey
  169. Principal
  170. Prowl
  171. Quest
  172. Quiver
  173. Real
  174. Reign
  175. Repel
  176. Repugnant
  177. Revolting
  178. Ritualistic
  179. Rogue
  180. Ruthless
  181. Scared
  182. Scary
  183. Scoundrel
  184. Scream
  185. Screeching
  186. Shiver
  187. Shrieking
  188. Sinister
  189. Skull
  190. Slay
  191. Sleazy
  192. Snooping
  193. Sociopath
  194. Somber
  195. Spooked
  196. Spooky
  197. Spy
  198. Stalking
  199. Stealth
  200. Terror
  201. Thief
  202. Thorough
  203. Thug
  204. Torture
  205. Traditional
  206. Transformation
  207. Treacherous
  208. Tremors
  209. Trickery
  210. Tricks
  211. True
  212. Typical
  213. Ugly
  214. Ultimate
  215. Unbelievable
  216. Ungrateful
  217. Unleash
  218. Unmitigated
  219. Unprincipled
  220. Unscrupulous
  221. Untrustworthy
  222. Unusual
  223. Utter
  224. Vanish
  225. Venomous
  226. Vicious
  227. Wail
  228. Weird
  229. Wicked
  230. Willies
  231. Wince
  232. Worst
  233. Wretch
  234. Wrongdoing
  235. Young

Example Sentences:

#1 the story belongs to a cruel monster who once lives in the forest. 

#2 be careful, the area belongs to trolls and other dangerous monsters. It is not safe to go there. 

#3 You can use the house to protect yourself from the sinister monsters. 


Use the adjectives for monsters in the right way so that you can convey what you want to say. For more adjectives, you can stay tuned to EnglishBix.