Monster – the word itself gives us a thrill. Here are some interesting adjective words that you can use to describe a monster.
- Abhorrent
- Abusive
- Accomplished
- Accursed
- Afraid
- Anger
- Annihilate
- Appear
- Arch
- Artful
- Atrocious
- Awful
- Bad
- Baddest
- Bawdy
- Beastly
- Berserk
- Biggest
- Black
- Bloodcurdling
- Blooded
- Bloodthirsty
- Bloody
- Bold
- Brutal
- Bullies
- Capture
- Chauvinistic
- Cheater
- Chief
- Clever
- Comic
- Complete
- Concoct
- Conspirator
- Conspire
- Consummate
- Control
- Conventional
- Cowardly
- Crafty
- Creature
- Creepy
- Cringe
- Cruel
- Cruelty
- Cunning
- Cursed
- Damned
- Dangerous
- Dastardly
- Death
- Decapitate
- Deliberate
- Demon
- Desperate
- Despicable
- Determined
- Detestable
- Disappearance
- Disguise
- Disgusting
- Disturbing
- Dominant
- Doomed
- Dragon
- Dread
- Dyed
- Escape
- Evil
- Execrable
- Faced
- False
- Favorite
- Female
- Fiend
- Folklore
- Forceful
- Foul
- Freak
- Frightening
- Gargantuan
- Gasp
- Ghastly
- Goblin
- Goose Bumps
- Gothic
- Greater
- Greatest
- Grisly
- Grotesque
- Growling
- Gruesome
- Hag
- Hair Raising
- Hard
- Hardened
- Harm
- Hate-Monger
- Haunt
- Hearted
- Heartless
- Heavy
- Heinous
- Hellbent
- Hideous
- Horrendous
- Horrible
- Huge
- Hypocritical
- Hysteria
- Impudent
- Infamous
- Infernal
- Influence
- Insolent
- Jealous
- Jeer
- Kidnapping
- Killer
- Killing
- Kindless
- Lecherous
- Legerdemain
- Lethal
- Little
- Lore
- Lunatic
- Lycanthrope
- Macabre
- Machiavellian
- Maim
- Main
- Male
- Malevolence
- Malicious
- Maniac
- Manipulate
- Maraud
- Masked
- Mean
- Melodramatic
- Menace
- Minded
- Miserable
- Monster
- Monstrous
- Murderous
- Mutilate
- Mysterious
- Nasty
- Nemesis
- Nightmare
- Notorious
- Obliterate
- Obscure
- Obvious
- Old
- Outlandish
- Perfect
- Perfidious
- Perjured
- Persecution
- Poisonous
- Possessed
- Potent
- Powerful
- Prey
- Principal
- Prowl
- Quest
- Quiver
- Real
- Reign
- Repel
- Repugnant
- Revolting
- Ritualistic
- Rogue
- Ruthless
- Scared
- Scary
- Scoundrel
- Scream
- Screeching
- Shiver
- Shrieking
- Sinister
- Skull
- Slay
- Sleazy
- Snooping
- Sociopath
- Somber
- Spooked
- Spooky
- Spy
- Stalking
- Stealth
- Terror
- Thief
- Thorough
- Thug
- Torture
- Traditional
- Transformation
- Treacherous
- Tremors
- Trickery
- Tricks
- True
- Typical
- Ugly
- Ultimate
- Unbelievable
- Ungrateful
- Unleash
- Unmitigated
- Unprincipled
- Unscrupulous
- Untrustworthy
- Unusual
- Utter
- Vanish
- Venomous
- Vicious
- Wail
- Weird
- Wicked
- Willies
- Wince
- Worst
- Wretch
- Wrongdoing
- Young
Example Sentences:
#1 the story belongs to a cruel monster who once lives in the forest.
#2 be careful, the area belongs to trolls and other dangerous monsters. It is not safe to go there.
#3 You can use the house to protect yourself from the sinister monsters.
Use the adjectives for monsters in the right way so that you can convey what you want to say. For more adjectives, you can stay tuned to EnglishBix.