A parent is a mother or a father. Your mom and dad are your parents, and one of their responsibilities is to raise you. We are all born with parents, and most of us have adoptive parents, step parents, or foster parents who raise us.
We all have a special relationship with our parents. They take care of ourselves from our young age till they are alive. They have immense love for us.
Words to Describe Parents and Grandparents
Following are some common adjectives to describe your loving parents:
Adopted | Free | Maternal |
Affectionate | Fruitful | Mighty |
Afflicted | Grand | Modern |
Angry | Grasping | Native |
Bad | Grateful | Natural |
Beloved | Great | Negro |
Bereaved | Happy | Noble |
Better | Healthy | Old |
Blind S | Hearted | Original |
Careful | Heavenly | Outrages |
Christian | Honest | Paternal |
Indian | Humble | Pious |
Consumptive | Illustrious | Prolific |
Cruel | Indigent | Proud |
Dead | Individual | Real |
Disconsolate | Indulgent | Religious |
Doted | Intelligent | Respectable |
Drunken | Intemperate | Respected |
Dying | Irate | Respective |
Earthly | Irish | Revered |
English | Jewish | Rich |
Esteemed | Lamented | Sainted |
Excellent | Living | Second |
Female | Loving | Separated |
Foster | Male | Severe |
Single | Surviving | Thoughtless |
Sorrowing | Swedish | Unhappy |
Spanish | Tender | Unnatural |
Speaking | Unknown | Unsuspecting |
Stern | Venerable | Watchful |
Stricken | Wealthy | Weeping |
Strict | White | Wise |
Wretched | Worthy | Young |
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