44 Phoneme Sounds List with Examples in English

The English language has 26 alphabets, but it is quite interesting that it has 44 phonemes. Phonemes are nothing but the unit sound differentiating one word from the another. These 44 phonemes consist of the following sounds.

  • Five short vowel sounds: short a, short e, short i, short o, short u
  • Five long vowel sounds: long a, long e, long i, long o, long u
  • Two other vowel sounds: oo, ??
  • Five r-controlled vowel sounds: ar, ?r, ir, or, ur
  • Eighteen consonant sounds: b, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, y, z
  • Seven digraphs: th(unvoiced), th(voiced), ng, sh, ch, zh, wh
  • Two vowel diphthongs: ow, oy

So, let us take a look at all 44 phoneme sounds with their example list. The phonemes are broadly divided into vowels and consonants.

List of Vowels Phoneme Sounds

Following is a list 19 Vowel phoneme sounds in English along with their graphemes and example words.

S.NoPhonemesGraphemes (way of writing a phoneme)Examples
1aa, aucat, bat, laugh, sand, hat
2ee, eabed, end, bread, bend, best
3iiit, is, if, ink, in
4oo, a, au, aw, oughfought, bought, hot, slaw, maul
5uu, oup, ton, bug, won, bun
6?a, ae, ay, ai, ey, ei, a_ebacon, date, say, rain, grey
7?e, ea, ee, ie, ey, y, e_ewe, geese, brief, meat, fleet
8?i, i_e, igh, y, iegrind, wide, fight, sly, tie
9?o, o_e, oa, ou, owantidote, tow, go, float, cloud
10?u, u_e, ewmute, threw, human, use, few
11oooo, u, oulhook, crook, should, could, put
12??oo, u, u_esoon, moon, rule, cube, mule
13owow, ou, ou_ecow, how, pout, out, house
14oyoi, oycoin, join, decoy, toy, coy
15ararcar, bar, tar, jar, far
16?rair, ear, areair, chair, fair, ear, bear, hair, hare
17oror, ore, oorfor, nor, ore, core, door
18irirr, ere, eermirror, here, beer, peer, deer
19urur, ir, er, ear, or, arfirm, stern, urn, work, dollar

List of Consonants Phoneme Sounds

Following is a list 25 consonant phoneme sounds in English along with their graphemes and example words.

20bb, bbbig, bat, ball, rubber, blubber
21dd, dd, eddot, dog, add, fed, red
22ff, phphoneme, phone, fish, fat, fry
23gg, gggood, go, game, egg, nogg
24hhhot, had, hat, happy, hide
25jj, g, ge, dgejet, age, cage, budge, judge
26kc, k, ck, ch, cc, queschool, reoccur, macaque, can, kite
27ll, llleg, lamb, well, bell, fell
28mm, mm, mbmad, mat, stammer, hammer, womb
29nn, nn, kn, gnwinner, dinner, knee, knight, no
30pp, pppat, pie, pipe, apple, supper
31rr, rr, wrroar, run, carry, write, marry
32ss, se, ss, c, ce, scsun, spouse, guess, cite, nice
33tt, tt, edtop, tan, better, dropped, letter
34vv, vegive, vent, vet, cave, positive
35wwwin, swam, wit, wet, wig
36yy, iyes, yap, yarn, onion, yield
37zz, zz, ze, s, se, xbuzz, breeze, zip, xerox, please, phase
38th (unvoiced)ththorn, thin, thousand, thumb, thief
39th (voiced)ththat, then, the, they, their
40ngng, nring, wing, bring, donkey, wink
41shsh, ss, ch, ti, cishin, fission, chef, tie, special
42chch, tchchip, chit, chin, switch, witch
43zhge, smarriage, pleasure, measure, division, garage
44whwhwhy, what, when, where

Keep exploring EnglishBix for more quality resources on phonics to teach your kids.

Quick Links

  1. Types of Phonetics in English
  2. Types of Vowels in English Phonetics

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