Are you looking for an extensive list of Spelling Words for your grade 5 kids? You have reached the right place. We, at EnglishBix have compiled a list of more than 500+ Spelling Bee Words which will help you teach you to teach your children the essential words.
This is an ultimate list for spelling bee competition practice. Learn how to spell these words and build a solid foundation for your spelling bee competition practice.
We have tried to arrange all the words in alphabetical order to help you clearly distinguish.
Spelling Words for 5th Grade Kids
action | actor | actually | addition | agreed |
allowed | aloud | amendment | amount | amusement |
annual | appointed | arrange | attention | awhile |
beginning | bruise | business | calves | capital |
capitol | captain | carefully | caught | cause |
celebrate | century | chemical | chocolate | circle |
climate | climbed | collar | column | company |
condition | consider | consonant | constant | continent |
continued | country | course | crystal | current |
curtain | daughter | daytime | decided | decimal |
delicious | desert | dessert | details | determine |
dictionary | difference | different | difficult | direction |
disappoint | division | eighth | election | elements |
energy | enjoyment | equal | equation | errands |
exact | except | expect | explain | explode |
express | factory | fault | favorite | finally |
finished | forward | fought | fraction | furniture |
future | general | government | graceful | graph |
grasp | grease | grown-ups | guest | guide |
happened | happily | harvest | healthy | height |
hoarse | human | idea | imagine | include |
increase | indicate | information | instrument | intention |
interesting | inventor | island | jewel | journey |
jungle | knives | known | language | laughter |
length | limb | located | lumber | major |
mammal | manufacture | material | mayor | measure |
melody | members | memories | message | method |
million | minor | modern | mountain | music |
natural | necessary | neither | newspaper | northern |
notebook | notice | noun | numeral | object |
observe | opposite | orphan | ought | outside |
oxygen | paid | paint | paragraph | pattern |
pause | payment | perhaps | period | permit |
phone | phrase | pleasant | pleasure | plural |
poison | position | possible | practice | prepared |
president | probably | problem | process | produce |
program | promise | property | protection | provide |
puzzle | quickly | quietly | radio | raise |
rarely | rather | reached | receive | record |
region | relax | remain | remove | repay |
repeat | report | represent | respond | result |
rhythm | rising | ruin | salad | sandal |
scale | scent | schedule | science | section |
separate | service | settled | several | shadow |
shelter | shoulder | shouted | shower | signal |
similar | sincerely | single | size | slippery |
soar | soil | solution | solve | southern |
split | spoiled | sports | square | squeeze |
stain | state | statement | station | steer |
stomach | stopping | straight | straighten | stream |
stretched | suggest | suitcase | sunset | supply |
sure | surface | surprise | surround | sweater |
syllable | syrup | tablet | tasty | teaspoon |
terrible | though | thoughtful | thrown | tornado |
toward | traffic | trail | treasure | treatment |
triangle | trouble | tunnel | type | understood |
unknown | usually | value | various | warn |
weigh | weight | weird | western | whisper |
whoever | whole | whose | wives | women |
wonderful | wound | wreck | x-ray | yesterday |
Spelling Bee Words Practice Sets
We have divided the words into six different sets to help you easily distinguish the ones you have already practiced.
Set 1
action | actor | actually | addition | agreed |
allowed | aloud | amendment | amount | amusement |
annual | appointed | arrange | attention | awhile |
beginning | bruise | business | calves | capital |
capitol | captain | carefully | caught | cause |
celebrate | century | chemical | chocolate | circle |
climate | climbed | collar | column | company |
condition | consider | consonant | constant | continent |
continued | country | course | crystal | current |
curtain | daughter | daytime | decided | decimal |
delicious | desert | dessert | details | determine |
dictionary | difference | different | difficult | direction |
disappoint | division | eighth | election | elements |
energy | enjoyment | equal | equation | errands |
exact | except | expect | explain | explode |
express | factory | fault | favorite | finally |
finished | forward | fought | fraction | furniture |
future | general | government | graceful | graph |
grasp | grease | grown-ups | guest | guide |
happened | happily | harvest | healthy | height |
hoarse | human | idea | imagine | include |
increase | indicate | information | instrument | intention |
interesting | inventor | island | jewel | journey |
jungle | knives | known | language | laughter |
length | limb | located | lumber | major |
mammal | manufacture | material | mayor | measure |
melody | members | memories | message | method |
million | minor | modern | mountain | music |
natural | necessary | neither | newspaper | northern |
notebook | notice | noun | numeral | object |
observe | opposite | orphan | ought | outside |
oxygen | paid | paint | paragraph | pattern |
pause | payment | perhaps | period | permit |
phone | phrase | pleasant | pleasure | plural |
poison | position | possible | practice | prepared |
president | probably | problem | process | produce |
program | promise | property | protection | provide |
puzzle | quickly | quietly | radio | raise |
rarely | rather | reached | receive | record |
region | relax | remain | remove | repay |
repeat | report | represent | respond | result |
rhythm | rising | ruin | salad | sandal |
scale | scent | schedule | science | section |
separate | service | settled | several | shadow |
shelter | shoulder | shouted | shower | signal |
similar | sincerely | single | size | slippery |
soar | soil | solution | solve | southern |
split | spoiled | sports | square | squeeze |
stain | state | statement | station | steer |
stomach | stopping | straight | straighten | stream |
stretched | suggest | suitcase | sunset | supply |
sure | surface | surprise | surround | sweater |
syllable | syrup | tablet | tasty | teaspoon |
terrible | though | thoughtful | thrown | tornado |
toward | traffic | trail | treasure | treatment |
triangle | trouble | tunnel | type | understood |
unknown | usually | value | various | warn |
weigh | weight | weird | western | whisper |
whoever | whole | whose | wives | women |
wonderful | wound | wreck | x-ray | yesterday |
Set 2
rough | does | until | explain | freight |
grudge | trouble | umpire | payment | height |
stunt | cousin | sudden | sleigh | they |
thumb | began | which | laid | favorite |
once | oxygen | city | raise | April |
another | copy | afraid | straight | able |
radio | station | relation | daybreak | trace |
fifteen | easily | ecology | universe | beautiful |
referee | ready | maybe | future | unusual |
eager | please | been | communicate | cute |
Set 3
cancel | guard | holiday | headache | bargain |
furnace | suggest | squeeze | solemn | author |
dangerous | terrible | treasure | missile | courage |
towel | celebration | continent | straightforward | extinct |
imagine | exact | ounce | octopus | consonant |
coffee | avenue | specialty | senator | population |
laundry | semifinal | examine | exercise | enormous |
surround | brighten | piano | strengthen | sculpture |
urgent | receive | estimate | diamond | calories |
thought | plural | cabbage | applause | beautiful |
Set 4
season | useful | between | coffee | avenue |
camera | crowded | fruit | laundry | semifinal |
because | hour | could | surround | brighten |
fellow | cartoon | family | urgent | receive |
itself | true | honest | thought | plural |
playground | edge | cancel | guard | holiday |
piece | please | furnace | suggest | squeeze |
eight | happiest | dangerous | terrible | treasure |
babies | thousand | towel | celebration | continent |
might | handle | imagine | exact | ounce |
Set 5
camping | every | wrap | playground | edge |
summer | city | two | piece | please |
phone | cloth | pair | eight | happiest |
main | bridge | catch | babies | thousand |
seven | jeans | quick | might | handle |
mice | house | season | useful | between |
cents | learn | camera | crowded | fruit |
super | barefoot | because | hour | could |
join | without | fellow | cartoon | family |
happen | know | itself | true | honest |
Set 6
state | repay | grasp | few | gold |
soil | shelter | rising | trail | type |
agreed | constant | forward | daytime | members |
length | melody | exact | include | human |
happily | details | paid | music | perhaps |
permit | rarely | raise | quietly | single |
notice | pause | solve | puzzle | trouble |
understood | women | warn | action | yesterday |
carefully | captain | enjoyment | equation | determine |
different | language | mammal | dessert | favorite |
express | thoughtful | surprise | stomach | pattern |
pleasure | probably | numeral | neither | million |
message | section | actor | annual | beginning |
except | laughter | island | inventor | journey |
suitcase | squeeze | southern | receive | protection |
period | possible | president | natural | slippery |
sweater | syllable | tornado | sandal | represent |
shoulder | separate | business | chocolate | chemical |
schedule | necessary | weight | whisper | weird |
constitution | ambulance | successful | scissors | rehearse |
We hope your fifth grade kid will love learning these words. Help him to make this learning experience more enjoyable.
You can download the following image for a quick revision of 5th grade spelling bee words.
Till then stay tuned to EnglishBix! and Keep Learning new words.
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