For all the 9th graders participating in spelling bee competitions, here are more than 200 tough words that are likely to come in your competition. Going through and getting familiar with these words will majorly help you!
The word list is sorted in a to z order to help students learn spellings in a proper fashion. Teachers and parents can use these words to help their kids build a strong foundation for the bigger challenge.
Spelling Bee Words for 9th Grade Students
absorption | accompaniment | accustomed | apparent |
acquiesce | acquittal | affiliation | adolescent |
altercation | ambassador | ambidextrous | ambiguous |
animosity | apparatus | approximation | acceptance |
austerity | authentic | authentication | auxiliary |
bankruptcy | benevolent | blasphemy | benefited |
bravado | camouflage | capricious | commissioner |
cavalcade | cataclysm | categorization | celestial |
cerebral | chagrin | chaotic | changeable |
characteristic | chasm | chastise | chronic |
citadel | clique | cocoon | commencement |
commemorate | conceivable | concurrence | conscientious |
conscience | consciousness | contiguous | corpse |
correspondence | curriculum | corroborate | delegation |
defamation | deprivation | derelict | diffidence |
disastrous | disciple | dissociate | distinction |
diurnal | dominance | dormitory | drudgery |
dubious | dyslexic | earnest | elicit |
eliminate | embroidery | entourage | equipoise |
escapade | etiquette | eugenic | exaggeration |
excursion | exemplary | expedient | expunge |
extirpate | facsimile | fallacy | favorable |
feasibility | fictitious | financialization | finesse |
fluorescent | fulfill | gargantuan | gauntlet |
genesis | gymnasium | handkerchief | hideous |
hindrance | homogeneous | humorist | hypocritical |
idealistic | idiosyncrasy | imbibe | impasse |
impediment | incandescent | incessant | inconsolable |
indelible | inalienable | indispensable | indisputable |
insufficient | intermingling | interrogative | irreconcilable |
irrelevant | irreverent | irrevocable | judicious |
juggernaut | justifiable | lampoon | lexicon |
litigation | luxuriate | maelstrom | magnitude |
maim | malice | martyr | maritime |
mediator | metaphor | meticulous | molecular |
minuscule | miscreant | momentous | monetary |
naive | nauseous | necessitate | nefarious |
oasis | obnoxious | occult | omen |
omniscient | orator | pariah | palatial |
palpitation | pandemic | parchment | patriarchy |
pastime | patrician | peculiar | pedantic |
peculiar | personify | philanthropy | pinata |
pinnacle | pithy | playwright | plausible |
plethora | poignant | potency | potpourri |
pragmatic | preamble | predecessor | primitive |
prodigy | quadrilateral | quadruple | quarantine |
quizzical | radioactive | ransacked | recipient |
reconnaissance | reprimand | relevance | remembrance |
renegade | reprise | reservoir | resurrect |
respite | retaliation | restitution | retrieve |
rotunda | sabotage | salient | satire |
savor | satisfaction | scavenger | schism |
scourge | scruple | scurvy | scuttle |
significance | solicitude | soliloquy | spasm |
squish | staunch | strenuous | stringent |
subliminal | subsequent | subsistence | succumb |
summarize | superstitious | supplement | surgeon |
surveillance | swelter | syndicate | synthesize |
talisman | technician | tenacious | tentacles |
tedious | tethering | tirade | titillate |
tranquilizer | transcend | transition | transpose |
transmutation | turbulence | ubiquitous | ultimatum |
umbrage | unabashed | unambiguous | uncanny |
uncharted | unconditional | unfathomable | unforgettable |
upbringing | vanquish | vantage | vengeance |
vocation | voracious | vortex | volatile |
voluble | wanderlust |
Keep exploring EnglishBix to find more resources on spelling bee competition practice and building a strong vocabulary.