Adjective Words to Describe Colors in Your Writing

English is a language that has words to describe every little thing right from a tiny needle to a big house. There are different descriptive words that are used to describe the words that would be provoking some of the positive feelings. When the words have a good connotation then they will be used to express bright and cherry emotion.

You can also learn some color names before we jump to descriptive words.

Adjective Words to Describe Colors

Use the following list of words to make your descriptive writing more colorful. Writers can add more creativity and uniqueness in their writings by adding these unique colorful words with positive and negative connotations.

Words with Positive Feelings:

Beaming Bright Dappled Festive
Glistening Glittering Harmonious Iridescent
Radiant Vibrant Prismatic Vivid
Jazzy Fresh Delicate Brilliant

Words with Negative Feelings:

Dark Brash Cold Colorless
Ashy Loud Harsh Muddy
Opaque Somber Uneven Stained
Showy Sooty Drab Watery

Let’s have a look at some of the descriptive words for colors and see how to describe colors in writing:

1. Ablaze – Radiant with bright color

Example: She was so frustrated with the problem that her cheeks were ablaze.

2. Ashy – Having the color of ash; pale

Example: Musty or dusty, ashy or nasty

3. Beaming – Bright; shining

Example: She was shyly paraded forward and introduced by a beaming Fred O’Connor.

4. Bleak – Gloomy; somber; not colorful

Example: The bleak treeless regions of the high Andes

5. Blotchy – Discolored or patchy

Example: Blotchy skin

6. Brash – Abrasive; tacky

Example: A brash newcomer disputed the age-old rules for admission to the club

7. Bold – Bright; vivid

Example: “You are not so bold in person,” he said, raising an eyebrow in challenge.

8. Bright – Brilliant in color

Example: “You are not so bold in person,” he said, raising an eyebrow in challenge.

9. Brilliant – Vivid; intense

Example: “You are not so bold in person,” he said, raising an eyebrow in challenge.

10. Chintzy – Cheap-looking

Example: Like Christmas without the chintzy stuff

11. Cold – Depressing; saddening

Example: He shivered from the cold

12. Colorless – Lacking color; dull

Example: A colorless and unimaginative person

13. Colorful – Full of vivid colors

Example: The chunky blocks of the stone walls were decorated with art done by children, and colorful mats covered the floor.

14. Dark – Lacking in light

Example: He moved off into the darkness

15. Dim – Not bright

Example: The lights dimmed and the curtain rose

16. Discolored – Deprived of color; given the wrong color

Example: Bleaching is most effective with yellow discolored teeth.

17. Drab – A dull, yellowish-brown color

Example: Her drab personality

18. Dappled – Having a spotted surface

Example: While they can tolerate a bit of dappled shade, the more light they get the healthier they’ll be.

19. Deep – Dark; rich

Example: He looked tall and lean in a dark suit.

20. Delicate – Subtle; slight

Example: Alondra was attractive in a delicate way – her features more refined.

21. Electric – Bright; metallic

Example: Moonlight and darkness alike bent and danced around him, surrounding him in a hazy metallic shimmer.

22. Festive – Celebratory; merry

Example: Pilgrimages to Mecca were not tied to a single time, but they were naturally associated with festive occasions, and especially with the great annual feast and market.

23. Fiery – Burning or glowing like fire

Example: The last thing Denton needed was a fiery redhead with a tendency to speak her mind.

24. Flamboyant – Extravagant; exuberant

Example: The normally flamboyant pair surprised some pundits by wearing traditional black morning suits.

25. Flaming – Resembling a flame or fire

Example: As the sun rises, they pass a little beyond the halo and exhibit flaming tails.

26. Glistening – Sparkling or shining like glitter

Example: Externally, the body of a Sipunculoid presents no projections: its surface is as a rule even and often glistening, and the color varies from whitish through yellow to dark brown.

27. Glittering – Shining; sparkling

Example: She blinked out of the spell and saw Romas’s oldest brother, his eyes glittering with anger.

28. Harsh – Disagreeable; unpleasant

Example: Wild and harsh country full of hot sand and cactus”

29. Iridescent – Something with rainbow-like colors

Example: She turned and raised an eyebrow at him, her rainbow eyes flashing with every color between white and black.

30. Jazzy – Lively; bright

Example: White meat, which holds its shape and has a jazzy color and smooth texture, is wonderful for salads, clear soups and pasta dishes.

31. Loud – Overly intense

Example: Loud sport shirts

32. Muddy – Not clear

Example: Muddy colors

33. Opaque – Incapable of allowing light to pass through

Example: A shadow occupies all of the space behind an opaque object with light in front of it

34. Opalescent – Having a milky iridescence like an opal

Example: The first time I used a water-based sealer that turned opalescent after 3 months.

35. Prismatic – Multi-colored; brilliant; bright

Example: The prismatic and vivid lines of the work of Avi Ben-Simhon evoke a feeling of joy and happiness.

36. Radiant – Glowing; bright

Example: The color is a radiant, bright light-scarlet and the aromas are filled with bittersweet cherries and strawberries.

37. Sepia – A reddish/brown color, like old photographs

Example: Davidson’s current collection of bracelets, chokers, and belts are made of black or sepia strips of leather varying in width.

38. Saturated – Overfly full

Example: A shirt saturated with perspiration

39. Showy – Gaudy; too flashy

Example: A cheap showy colored bracelet

40. Sickly – Having a pallor that reflects being nauseated

Example: A sickly child

41. Somber – Dark; gloomy; dull

Example: A suit of somber black

42. Sooty – Black or dusky in color

Example: To sooty blackness from the purest white

43. Splashy – Attracting too much attention

Example:  Splashy half-page ad

44. Stained – An unwanted spot

Example: A badly stained tablecloth

45. Transparent – Clear; see-through

Example: Transparent cristal

46. Uneven – Not smooth; irregular

Example: An uneven color

47. Vibrant – Full of color

Example: He opened the door to see a woman, or young woman at least, with mouse brown hair and vibrant green eyes standing before him.

48. Vivid – Bright, intense colors

Example: The various dishes ran together on the plates to create a series of vivid technicolor horrors.

49. Washed-out – Lacking color; faded

Example: A very pale washed-out blue

50. Watery – Containing too much water; diluted

Example: A watery grave

Words for Colors of Rainbow

Rainbows are formed when light shines through water, like when the sun shines through the rain. This light is bent and reflected, like a reflection in a mirror, and this causes all of the amazing colors that you see.

Word Meaning
Lunar relating to or associated with the moon
Bright having striking color
Veritable Photographs taken in a veritable bull ring
Sudden happening without warning or in a short space of time
Splendid attended with brilliance or grandeur
Mimic constituting an imitation
Faint barely perceptible; lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc
Brilliant of surpassing excellence
Broken topographically very uneven
White glowing white with heat
Walking someone is walking too close
Vivid having the highest saturation
Varying marked by diversity or difference
Unseen not seen or perceived
Transient a short-lived oscillation in a system caused by a sudden change of voltage or current or load
Striped marked or decorated with stripes
Splendor a quality that outshines the usual
Perfect being complete of its kind and without defect or blemish
Perpetual occurring so frequently as to seem ceaseless or uninterrupted
Ordinary not exceptional in any way especially in quality
Natural in accordance with nature; relating to or concerning nature
Miraculous peculiarly fortunate or appropriate; as if by divine intervention
Magic any art that invokes supernatural powers
Luminous softly bright or radiant
Lovely appealing to the emotions as well as the eye

Have a good look at each of the word mentioned above and learn how they are used in a sentence with the given examples.

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