Adjective Words To Describe Racism

Racism occurs in many ways and can happen in many places. It includes prejudice, discrimination, or hatred toward another person because of his or her race, ethnic group, or nationality.

People often associate racism with acts of violence or harassment. However, it does not have to involve violence or intimidation. Take the names of races and jokes. Or consider situations in which people may be dismissed from their groups or activities because of their background.

Racism can be expressed through the actions and attitudes of people. It can also be seen in programs and institutions. But sometimes it may not be revealed at all. Not all prejudice is obvious. For example, someone might look at a list of job applicants and decide not to talk to people with certain surnames.

Racism is more than just words, beliefs, and actions. It includes all the barriers that prevent people from enjoying dignity and equality because of their race.

Adjective Words to Describe Racism

Following are adjectives for describing various forms of racism:

antinot in favor of
anti-blackdiscriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion
aversivetending to repel or dissuade
blackmarked by anger or resentment or hostility
blatantwithout any attempt at concealment
colonialof or relating to or characteristic of
culturaldenoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of people
environmentalrelating to the external conditions or surroundings
genderedgendered readership
individualseparate and distinct from others of the same kind
institutionalrelating to or constituting or involving an institution
internalizedincorporate within oneself; make subjective or personal
modernbelonging to the modern era; since the Middle Ages
overtopen and observable
pervasivespreading throughout
scientificconforming with the principles
southernsituated in or oriented toward the south
symbolicusing symbolism
systemicaffecting an entire system
unconsciouswithout conscious volition
violentcharacterized by violence or bloodshed
virulentharsh or corrosive in tone