A party is a gathering of people invited by the host for entertainment purposes, conversation, entertainment, or as part of a celebration or other commemorative or special event celebration.
Sometimes (though usually politically), a party can also refer to a group of people with the same or common intent and interest.
Adjective Words to Describe Party
Following are common adjectives used for describing party and its atmosphere:
Word | Meaning |
Big | Feeling self-importance |
communist | relating to or marked by communism |
conservative | conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class |
democratic | characterized by or advocating or based upon the principles of democracy or social equality |
dominant | exercising influence or control |
guilty | showing a sense of guilt |
innocent | lacking in sophistication or worldliness |
largest | greatest in size of those under consideration |
liberal | having political or social views favoring reform and progress |
moderate | being within reasonable or average limits; not excessive or extreme |
national | of or relating to or belonging to a nation or country |
opposite | altogether different in nature or quality or significance |
parliamentary | relating to or having the nature of a parliament |
political | involving or characteristic of politics or parties or politicians |
popular | representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large |
progressive | favoring or promoting reform |
republican | relating to or belonging to the Republican Party |
revolutionary | relating to or having the nature of a revolution |
single | related to the unmarried state |
small | have fine or very small constituent particles |
socialist | advocating or following the socialist principles |
strong | having strength or power greater than average or expected |
united | involving the joint activity of two or more |
whole | including all components without exception |