Adjective Words To Describe Room

A room means a separate part of the interior of a building, such as a bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, or utility room. 

Adjective Words to Describe Room

Following are some adjective words you can use to describe your room in writing:

airydental roomlighterquiet
baredingylocked roomrepair
beautifuldining roomlonelysecond
big roomdrawinglowerservant room
bluedriver roomluxurioussingle
boardelectric roommale roomsitting
brightelegantmeditationsmall room
certainfashioned roomnarrowspacious
charmingfemale roomold roomspare
cold roomfurnishedoutersquare
comfortablegeneratorplay roomstaff room
commongreen roompleasantstrange room
cornerguard roompoojastrong
crowded roomhauntedprettystuffy room
dark roomhot roomprincipal roomsunny room
tiring roomvacantwash roomwide

Quick Links

  1. Bedroom Vocabulary Words
  2. Bathroom Vocabulary Words