A veteran is a person who has significant experience and expertise in a particular occupation or field.
Words to Describe Veterans
Following are common words you can use to describe veterans in your writing:
1. Expert
An individual of recognized knowledge in a particular topic, typically confirmed by academic standing and publications, who is called upon by one of the parties to testify in court as to his or her opinion of the underlying facts. Also referred to as expert witness.
2. experienced
The definition of experienced is a person with training, knowledge or who has participated in something.
3. Skilled
Having or requiring an ability, as in a particular industrial occupation, gained by special experience or training
4. Versed
Knowledgeable or skilled, either through study or experience; familiar; practiced
5. Steady
Reliable; dependable.
6. Hardened
Confirmed or inveterate, esp. in wrong or immoral behavior; habitual
7. Seasoned
Experienced, especially in terms of a profession or a hobby
8. One long in service
An experienced person
9. War horse
An experienced soldier
10. Old-timer
A person with considerable tenure or experience in a given place or activity; a veteran.
11. Weathered
Made sloping so as to shed water
12. Reenlisted man
An experienced soldier
13. Old hand
A person who is experienced at a certain activity.
14. Ability
A skill, talent, or capacity:
15. One of the old guard
An experienced person
16. Seasoned campaigner
An experienced soldier
17. ex-G.I
An experienced soldier
18. Old bird
An experienced person
19. ex-service man
An experienced soldier
20. Sourdough
Dough, leavened with yeast and lacto bacteria that produce acids giving a sour taste.
21. gi
An enlisted person in or a veteran of any of the US armed forces, especially a person enlisted in the army.
22. Wise
Method or manner of doing; way:
23. Amateur
A person who does something without professional skill
24. Venerable
Worthy of reverence, especially by religious or historical association:
25. Veteran soldier
a serviceman who has seen considerable active service
26. Old dog
An experienced person
27. ex-soldier
An experienced soldier
28. Vet
Vet is short for a veterinarian (a doctor who takes care of animals) or short for a veteran (a person who has served as a soldier).
29. Old-soldier
Someone with a lot of experience in something; an old hand.
30. Master
A skilled artist.
31. Patriarch
The oldest member of a group:
32. Patrician
Any person of high social rank; aristocrat
33. Knowledge
Familiarity or understanding of a particular skill, branch of learning etc.
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