Amount vs Quantity with Sentence Examples

We are usually confused about the difference between amount and quantity. Because, both carry almost the same meaning which is numerical measure. 

Let’s see two examples about amount and quantity before starting. Why there are confusion? 

Correct : Small amount of Nickel and Cobalt are often present.

Incorrect : Small quantity of Nickel and Cobalt are often present. 

Correct : It would take a large quantity of ice cream to make me feel better. 

Incorrect : It would take a large amount of ice cream to make me feel better. 

How and When to Use Amount in Sentence 

If you can’t measure it, use amount. It is also important to keep in mind that amount should come before a singular word and is generally used for mass nouns and words like respect, love and envy. If you aren’t sure whether a noun is countable, take a minute to think about whether or not someone could add up the number on his or her calculator.

Some examples of sentences using “amount” : 

  • It makes a certain amount of sense.
  • Unfortunately, life gets in the way a fair amount of time.
  • If any people was missing, the amount was small. 
  • The amount of distaste in the Neha’s voice amused him.
  • We use a huge amount of paper in the office every day. 

How and When to Use Quantity in Sentence

Here’s where things get a little bit tricky, Quantity, much likes number, can be used for singular or plural nouns that you can count or measure. The main difference is that it’s best to use quantity when you are talking about inanimate object. However, there are times where you can use quantity and number interchangeably, specifically when the noun is plural.

Some examples of sentences using “quantity” :

  • A very large quantity of sediment is rapidly filing the gulf.
  • Why such a quantity of churches?
  • There are no ruins, but a considerable quantity of debris.
  • Galena is found in small quantity.
  • Large quantities of illegal drugs has been discovered. 

Let’s look at a sentence using both amount and quantity together.

Example : The amount of time was too less to deliver huge quantities of food for the refugee camps.

Keep Exploring EnglishBix to learn the difference between commonly confused words and how they are used.

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