Arcane vs Archaic with Sentence Examples

We are often confused about the use of the words “arcane” and “archaic”. The reason is that the meaning of both words is almost the same, which is related to ancient or mysterious.

Let’s see two examples of “arcane” and “archaic” before starting. Why there is the confusion?

Correct: The elderly teacher had an arcane way of teaching mathematics. 

Incorrect: The elderly teacher had an archaic way of teaching mathematics. 

Correct: As long as the hospital has archaic equipment, it will not be able to provide patients with the best care. 

Incorrect: As long as the hospital has arcane equipment, it will not be able to provide patients with the best care.

How and When to Use Arcane in Sentence 

“Arcane” means something secretive or known to only a few people. It also means something hidden, mystical, weird, obscure, confidential.    

Some examples of sentences using “arcane”: 

  • People always inquired why the identity of my grandmother was kept arcane. 
  • The resident intellectuals speak an arcane language designed to enhance their power. 
  • Because of an arcane law on the books, a time limit is in place for advance wagers.
  • He was only the person who understood all the arcane details of the agreement. 
  • We do not want to be doing strange and arcane things entirely out of the public gaze. 

How and When to Use Archaic in Sentence 

“Archaic” means something ancient, old fashioned, primitive, antique, venerable, obsolete. 

Some examples of sentences using “Archaic”: 

  • The golden walls appear to be more archaic than the house.
  • I know that many teachers of the present day think that learning by rote is archaic. 
  • Many smaller radio stations broadcast on archaic equipment. 
  • This system is archaic and unfair, so it needs changing. 
  • My mother has an archaic mindset and does not believe women should work outside the home. 

Let’s look at a sentence using both “arcane” and “archaic” together. 

Example: Although the rules of the game are archaic, it is a popular arcane game.

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