at Sound Words For Kids

Let us now work on “at” sound words, which are basically a set of words having the letters ‘at’ in them.

At Words List for Kids

Following is the list of words containing ‘at’ in the middle or at the end


Examples of Sentences with ‘At’ Words

Here are some words and sentences of the ‘at’ Phonics List

Catchcatch the ball when it is dropped
Matchplaying a match is at times tough
Patcha small patch in a cloth
Diplomathad meeting with a diplomat
Matuse the mat on the floor
Hatwear your hat
Ratthat house has a rat
Boatlet us catch the boat
Coatwear coat in winters
Floatfloat yourself in the water
Motorboatlet us ride on the motorboat
Fata fat man crossing the road
ThroatI am having a bad throat today
Meatwe will have meat in dinner
Hatedon’t hate anybody
Skateyou love to skate
Destinationwe reached our destination
Flatwe live in a flat
Dartwe play dart game
Bathwe will have a bath at night
Chatlet us do a chat over phone
Seatplease have a seat
Treatwe must treat the old man
Eateat good food
Datelet us use this date for work

Keep exploring EnglishBix to find cvc words list to help your kids learn three letter phonics words.