EY Phonics Words For Kids

Hello Students,

Today, we are here to understand, what are the “EY” words in English language

It should be noted that there are many words in the English language that contain the sound of “EY”. The grapheme “EY” is another way of representing sound between ee and i phoneme-based accent.

This grapheme also represents the phoneme ee as in the key word.

If the learner sees “ey” and says ee, the student can then touch the pronunciation of the whole word if necessary.

Therefore, both “ee” and “ey” mean the long sound E and are called the underlined letter, ey is pronounced faster and softly.

EY Words List for Kids

Now let us work on different “EY” words


Sentences with EY Words

Below “ey” words sentences will help us understanding more on grapheme:

KeysI have lost all my keys
MoneyI had mony in my wallet
HoneyIt is good to take honey in the morning
ParsleyIt  enhance flavor and benefit the health
DonkeyIt helps to carry the luggage
MonkeyThey are fond of eating bananas
TurkeyIt is a place to travel
KidneyIt is an organ in your body
HockeyIt is a good sport
JockeyRides a horse
JourneyJourney by train is interesting
ChimneyThe smokegoes up the chimney
ValleyIt looks beautiful in the morning
PulleyIt can be used to lift a heavy weight
TrolleyFor carrying and serving the dishes

Keep exploring EnglishBix to learn more about phonics words.