The first word that comes out of a baby’s mouth is always memorable. Here are more than 100 easy words you can teach a baby for making it their memorable first word or first few words.
Common First Words for a Baby
These are the most common words for kids in the English Language. The other common words include the sounds and names of people, animals, and things. Even in American English, the 10 most common words are Daddy, Mommy, Hi, No, Ball, Bye, Banana, Baby, and Woof Woof. You will find all of the words in the list. These words are also the most frequently used and heard words.
Mommy | Daddy | Ball | Car | Bat | Cat | Baby |
Yes | No | Hi | Bye | Banana | Apple | Duck |
Horse | Pig | Lion | Tiger | Zebra | Donkey | Cow |
Bike | Fish | Rat | Bird | Dog | Bee | Tree |
1. Greetings/ Social Words
Here are some easy greetings and social words you can teach your children. These words are easy to teach and some are also the first words of children because of the common use of these words. For example, you can teach your baby to say good morning to others when they wake up, and say goodbye when they go to work.
Hello | Hi | Please | Bye | Sorry |
Thanks | Welcome | Yes | No | Okay |
More | How are you | Goodnight | Sweet dreams | I am good |
Hey | I am fine | Goodbye | Take care | See you later |
2. Verbs
Verbs basically represent an action. You can teach the basic verbs to babies by showing them the action and then telling them what it is called. Reinforcing this habit will eventually make them understand what a certain action means. For example, while feeding them, you can let them know that they are ‘eating’ the food. While going to work, you can let them know that you are about to ‘go’.
Run | Eat | Go | Color | Push |
Draw | Get | Stop | Hug | Paint |
See | Drink | Pull | Catch | Smile |
Take | Throw | Slide | Blow | Play |
Cry | Shop | Fix | Use | Saw |
Make | Come | Ride | Used | Call |
Wash | Made | Look | Work | Sing |
Sit | Kiss | Fell | Study | Love |
Say | Dance | Open | Called | Be |
Give | Help | Fall | Close | Want |
3. Pronouns
Single or double letter pronouns like I, me, he, it, my, etc. are all quite easy to teach, and learn. Teaching babies pronouns is a good idea as it is probably easy to learn than any other word class. For example, you can ask them who is your mom? To which they will eventually point you out, and then if you ask who is the baby, they will point at themselves. They often enjoy such games. Cute, isn’t it?
I | Me | You | He | She |
It | My | Him | Her | They |
This | That | Which | What | Who |
Mine | Yours | His | Hers | Their |
Your | Its | Whose | Whom | Each |
We | Us | Them | Theirs | Our |
4. Prepositions
Words like up, down, in, out, are used quite commonly and can prove to be really easy to learn for babies. They can learn such words when you simply point upwards or downwards.
Up | Down | In | Out | On |
Off | Here | There | As | At |
By | After | Below | For | From |
Near | Like | Far | Of | Over |
Plus | Minus | Per | Round | Save |
To | Under | With | Above | Till |
Away | But | Close | Next | Past |
5. Adjectives and Adverbs
Emotions, colours, numbers, are all quite easy to learn. Similarly, adverbs like hot, and cold, are also easy. For example, you can show them ‘hot’ food, or ‘cold’ water.
Big | Small | Hot | Cold | Fast |
Slow | Fat | Fit | Kind | Good |
Bad | Happy | Sad | Tiny | Tall |
Short | Huge | Little | Great | Loud |
Wet | Dry | Red | Blue | Green |
Yellow | Black | Orange | White | Purple |
All | Some | More | Less | Rest |
Pink | Grey | Brown | None | Clean |
One | Two | Three | Four | Five |
Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten |