In this interesting session, we would be learning about the phonic blends both initial as well as final. Basically, blends are the consonants that sound when they come together. For instance, in blends, each letter has an individual sound that is pronounced individually but very quickly.

Here are some blends which we will be discussing and the words that are used.
Ending Blends Phonics Words List
There are 15 ending consonant blends used to form words which are -st, -sk, -sp, -nd, -nt, -nk, -mp, -rd, -ld, -lp, -rk , -lf, -pt, -ft, – ct.
Ending Consonant Blend | Words |
-st | Twist, Just, Most, Lost, Cost, Host, Frost, Toast, Post, Worst, Must, Rust, Wrist, Mist, Fist, List, Fest, Zest, Lust, Gist, Pest, Nest, Test, |
-sk | Ask, Mask, Flask, Task, Dusk, Rusk, Disk, Desk, Kiosk, Risk, Embosk, Subtask, Brisk |
-sp | Lisp, Rasp, Clasp, Wasp, Inclasp, Hasp, Wisp, Bedclasp, Unclasp, Reclasp, Tieclasp, Handclasp, Enclasp, Grasp, Crisp, Thesp |
-nd | Find, Mind, Grind, Hind, Bind, Wind, Lend, Wend, Mend, Kind, Fund, Bond, Fond, Pond, Sand, Wand, Round, Sound, Mound, Gland, Blind, Stand |
-nt | Ant, Grant, Want, Haunt, Dent, Lent, Bent, Scent, Sent, Went, Font, Cent, Pent, Hint, Pint, Mint, Rant, Burnt, Learnt, Hunt, Cunt, Tint, Rent |
-nk | Ink, Pink, Link, Mink, Kink, Monk, Honk, Rink, Wink, Sink, Junk, Sank, Rank, Bonk, Wonk, Punk, Sunk, Zonk, Jink, Plonk, Plunk, Skunk, Crank, Shank, Flunk, Slunk |
-mp | Jump, Hump, Vamp, Tump, Glimp, Pomp, Romp, Ramp, Damp, Comp, Primp, Chump, Stomp, Crimp, Crumb, Cramp, Scamp, Revamp, Trump, Decamp |
-rd | Hard, Word, Card, Lord, Ford, Toward, Foward, Curd, Nerd, Herd, Bard, Third, Sword, Beard, Award, Guard, Chord, Record, Afford, Reword, Lizard, Coward, Howard, Accord, Onward, Inward, Retard, Oxford, Bird, Seabird, Discard, Keyword, Custard |
-ld | Old, Fold, Gold, Mold, Told, Hold, Scold, Sold, Cold, Bald, Mild, Wild, Veld, Would, Could, World, Field, Yield, Mild, Build, Guild, Child, Resold, Remold, Unfold, Behold, |
-lp | Pulp, Help, Gulp, Kelp, Palp, Whelp, Yelp, Skelp, Scalp, Insculp, Megilp, Outyelp, |
-rk | Work, Dork, Cork, Shark, Clark, Mark, Bark, Lark, Kirk, Fork, Pork, Jerk, Lurk, Perk, Berk, Birk, Clerk, Spark, Stark, Stork, Snark, Embark, Webwork, Network, Artwork, Waxwork, |
-lf | Half, Calf, Self, Wolf, Delf, Golf, Gulf, Shelf, Ingulf, Behalf, Myself, herself, Himself, Themself, Itself, Ourself, yourself, werewolf, |
-pt | Opt, Kept, Slept, Wept, Rapt, Lept, Dipt, Apt, Dropt, Compt, Slipt, Clapt, Wrapt, Clept, Coapt, Chapt, Trapt, Gript, Tempt, Adopt, Adapt, Swept, Abrupt, Accept, except, Script, Exempt, Prompt, Incept, Unkept, Recept, Concept, Receipt, Corrupt, Attempt |
-ft | Eft, Oft, Aft, Reft, Coft, Toft, Daft, Heft, Deft, Haft, Tuft, Rift, Raft, Gift, Lift, Soft, Left, Loft, Shift, Draft, Craft, Theft, Swift, Drift, Shaft, Graft, Kraft, Aloft, Croft, Cleft, Delft, Grift, Abaft, Clift |
-ct | Fact, Pact, Sect, Duct, Tact, Impact, Exact, React, Elect, Tract, Erect, Enact, Edict, Evict, Eject, Epact, Bract, Mulct, Tinct, Eruct, Educt, Coact, Effect, Affect, Direct, Expect, Select, Object, Aspect, Detect, Reject, Intact, Defect, Insect, Depict, Inject, Reflect, Didact, Deject, Bisect, Abject, Preact, Strict, Aspect, Redact |
Beginning Blends Phonics Words List
There are around 16 common beginning consonant blends which include: bl-, br-, cl-, cr-, dr-, fr-, tr-, fl-, gl-, gr-, pl-, pr-, sl-, sm-, sp- and st-.
Beginning Consonant Blend | Words |
bl | Blab, black, blackberry, blackbird, blackmail, blacksmith, bladder, blade, blah, blame, Blanche, bland, blandish, blank, blanket, blaring, blarney, blast, blatant, blaze, bleach, bleachers, bleak, bleary, bleat, bled, bleed, bleep, blemish, blend, blender, bless, blew, blight, blimp, blind, blindfold, blini, blink, blinkers, blintz, blip, bliss, blister, blithe, blitz, blizzard, bloat, blob, block, blockade, blockbuster, blockhead, bloke, blonde, blood, bloom, blooper, blossom, blot, blotch, blouse |
br | Brace, bracelet, bracket, brad, brag, braid, brain, brake, bramble, bran, brand, branch, brass, brat, brave, brawny, bray, breach, bread, break, breath, breathe, bred, breed, breeze, brew, briar, bribe, brick, bride, bridge, Brief, brig, bright, brilliant, brim |
ch | Chain, chair, chalk, challenge, chamber, champion, chance, change, channel, chant, chap, chapel, chapter, char, charge, chariot, charity Charm, chart, chase, chat, cheap, check, checkers, cheek, cheer, cheese, cheetah, chef, cherry, chess, chest |
cl | Clad, claim, clairvoyant, clam, clambake, clamber, clammy, clamor, clamp, Clamshell, clan, clandestine, clap, clapper, clarify, clarinet, clarity, clash, clasp, class, classic, classical, classification, classify, classmate, classroom, clause, claustrophobia, clavichord, claw, clay, click, client, cliff, climate, climb, cling, clinic, clink, clip, clipboard, clique, cloak, clobber, clock, clockwise, clod, clog, clone, clop, close Closet, clot, clothes, clothespin, cloud |
cr | Crab, crack, cracker, crackle, crackpot, cradle, crafts, crag, cram, cramp, cranberry, crane, cranefly, cranium, cranky, cranny, crash Crass, crate, crater, crave, crawfish, crawl, crayfish, crayon, craze Crazy, creak, cream, crease, create, creature, credence, credit, creed |
dr | Drab, draft, drag, dragon, dragonfly, dragoon, drain, drake, dram, drama, dramatic, drank, drape, drapery, drastic, draw, drawbridge, drawer, drawl, drawn, dread, dreadful, dreadnought, dreadlocks, dream, dreary, dredge, dregs, dreidel, drench, dress, dresser, drew, dribble |
fl | Flab, flabbergasted, flag, flagship, flail, flair, flake Flamboyant, flame, flamingo, flan, flank, flannel, flap, flapjacks, flare Flash, flashcard, flask, flat, flatter, flaunt, flavor |
fr | Fraction, fragile, fragment, fragrant, frail, frame, frank, frantic, fraud, fray, free, freeze, freezer, freight, French horn, frenzy, frequent, fresh Fret, friction, friend, frighten, frill, fringe, frisk, frock, frog, frolic, from, front, frontier, frost, froth, frothy, frown, frozen |
gl | Glacier, glad, glade, gladiator, gladiolus, glamorous, glamor, glance, gland, glare, glass, glasses, glaze, gleam, glean, glee, glen, glib, glid Glide, glider, glimmer, glimpse, glint, glisten, glitch, glitter, glitz, gloat, glob, global, globalization, globe, globetrotter, globular, glom, gloomy, glorify, glory, glossary, glossy, glove, glow, glower, glucose, glue, glum, glut, glutes, glutton, gluttony |
gr | Grab, grace, graceful, gracious, grad, grade, gradual, graduate, graffiti Graft, graham, grain, gram, grammar, grand, grandchild, grandfather Grandmother, grandparent, granite, grant, granular, grapefruit, grapes, graph, grasp, grass, grasshopper, grassland, grate, grateful, grater, gratitude, grave, gravel, graveyard, gravity, gravy, gray, graze, grease, great, grebe |
pl | Place, placid, plagiarize, plague, plaid, plain, plan, plane, planet, plank, plankton, plant, plantain, plantation, planter, plaque, plasma, plaster, plastic, plate, platform, platitude, platter, platypus, play, playground, plaza, plea, plead, pleasant, please Pleasure, pleat, pled, pledge, plenty, pliant, pliers, plight, plod, plop, plot, plover, plow, pluck, plug, plum, plumb, plumber, plume, plummet, plump, plunder, plunger, plural, plus, plush, Pluto, ply, plywood |
pr | Prairie, prance, pray, precipitation, precious, precise, precocious, predict, preposition, present, president, press, pretzel, prey, price Pride, prim, primary, prime, prince, princess, principal, principle Print, prize, probe, problem, project, pronoun, prior, private, prism Prison, privacy, privilege, prize, pro, probably, proceed, prod, prom, prong, pronoun, prop, propeller, proper, proton, protractor, proud, prove, proverb, prow, prune, pry |
sc | Scab, scabbard, scads, scaffold, scald, scale, scalene, scallop, scalp, scalpel, scaly, scam, scamper, scan, scandal, scanner, scant, scapegoat, scar, scarab, scare, scarecrow, scarf, scarlet, scary, scathing, scatter, scavenger, scenario, scene, scenery, scenic, scent Scepter, science, scientific, scientist, scimitar, scintilla, scintillate, scissors, scoff, scofflaw, scold, sconce, scoop, scoot, scope, scorch |
Keep exploring EnglishBix for more quality resources on Blends and digraphs for your elementary grade kids.