Big vs Large with Sentence Examples

How about today we discuss about the two similar words big and large and their differences, though they have different usages, but you can sometimes interchange their places.

Let us understand where they are used and how to correctly use them in sentences.

Big – Meaning and When to Use

Big is a common adjective describing the size or extent of a thing. It is usually used to describe a thing that is over the average size. It is the opposite of small. For example,

  1. He built a big house.
  2. This is a big room.
  3. She has big brown eyes.

Big can also indicate importance or seriousness. For example,

  1. It’s not a big decision.
  2. I made a big mistake.

In informal situations, big can also mean elder or powerful.

  1. He is a big shot.
  2. This is my big brother.

So, it’s clear that big doesn’t only refer to the size or amount, but it also refers importance, seriousness, power, and age.

Large – Meaning and When to Use

The adjective large indicates the size of an object. It is often used to refers to a considerable or relatively great extent, capacity or size of objects. Large is considered to be more formal than big, and it is also less commonly used than big.

Unlike big, large mainly refers to the size of things. For example,

  1. He bought a house with a large garden.
  2. The show attracted a large crowd.
  3. This dress doesn’t come in large sizes.
  4. Her large front teeth made her unattractive.
  5. China is a large producer of rice.

Large is also used with many expressions of quantity. Consider, for example, phrases like a large number of, a large amount of, large scale, a large part, etc.

Now, You know the rules and where to use them. So your next task is to practice these words in both writing and speaking to understand their use. Till the time you master these words you can use this post as your reference.

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