Cooking Verbs Vocabulary for Kitchen in English

If you spend a lot of time in the kitchen whether that is fun or because it is your job, it will be very helpful to have a good knowledge of cooking techniques that can be very helpful when it comes to interacting with other people in the kitchen.

Cooking is something we all need to do and if you have English-speaking people, experiencing it can be made much easier by having the right vocabulary for the job.

Cooking recipes or kitchen verbs are actions that often occur when you read cooking instructions in recipes.

Cooking Verbs List for Beginners 

Cooking Verb Meaning
To add putting the ingredients together
To bake By heating process in an oven
To beat mixing up quickly and continuously with eggs
To blanch Plunging tomatoes, nuts, and more to a boiling water for removing or loosening a skin .
To blend To mix together the food stuff in a electric mixer
To boil heating the water till bubbles appear
To break Making or separating into small parts
To broil Cooking with extreme or high heating temperature
To carve To cut meat into slices.
To chop cutting into small pieces
To combine making a mixture of two or more things together
To cook food preparation on fire
To crush pressing hard to make it in a form of crystal or paste
To cut Chopping to pieces with the help of knife.
To grate Rubbing any solid food on serrated surface
To grease Quoting with butter or oil
To grill barbeque style by putting the food on a grill
To melt heat to make it in liquid form


Caramelize Cook to enhance the brown color and nutty flavor of caramel
Char Most people like the taste of grilled meat
Dice Cut into small cubes
Drain Drain the liquid by letting it flow or drain
Fry Cooking something in hot oil
Knead If you make the dough, stuffing with flour and water to make bread and pizza and so on, you will need to mix it.
Marinate Marinating is the process of immersing food in a mixed spice paste, which is usually acidic before cooking
Measure Level for taking the exact quantity to cook
Microwave Quick cooking oven with heat adjustment
Mix combine more than one ingredient
Peel Removing the skin of vegetable or fruit before cooking.
Pinch A small, undefined amount of the substance, usually powder such as salt, sugar, spices
Poach A method of cooking that involves heating the food soaked in liquid
Pour to transfer from one container to another
Saute A method of cooking using a small amount of oil or oil in a shallow pan
Season Add salt and pepper for extra flavor
Simmer Cooking food with liquid (or cooking the liquid itself) at a temperature slightly below the boiling point
Slice Cut into pieces; divide them into parts
Soak Immerse in water
Sprinkle Dropping of small substances on cooked food
Steam minute water droplets in the air (water vapors) which is formed when water is heated
Stir Mix food or liquid by moving a spoon around it
Taste Try or test the quality of food
Whip fast moving
Whisk It is a cooking pot that can be used to mix ingredients

Practice kitchen vocabulary to learn what actions we do while we cook. Keep Exploring EnglishBix to learn more words and enhance your vocabulary.

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