Countable and Uncountable Nouns Guide with Examples

You have been learning about English and grammar for a long time now. You have also read the blogs that deal with nouns, pronouns and other things. But today we would be discussing Countable and Uncountable Nouns. 

But we would start with the basic definition of Nouns.

A noun is everything that you see around yourself. Right from people, things, animals, place, any concept or idea or sometimes the feelings as well.

Countable Noun – Examples & Use in Sentences

When you are discussing Countable Nouns: It refers to anything that can be easily counted whether it is singular or plural. For example, you can count the number of rooms. Mats, houses, dogs, etc. All these are considered as the countable nouns. With the following example, you would be able to understand the difference.

  • You might observe that there is twenty-nine mexican restaurants in the US.
  • Megha was excited to take a lot of photographs when she was about to go to the Grand Canyon.
  • The book of recipes in lying on the kitchen table.
  • How many candles you would be blowing on your Birthday?
  • You could see several paintings that you could study in the art appreciation class.
  • There is a small brown puppy running in the cabinet.

Now we would be moving ahead to learn about the Uncountable Noun and Its Examples.

Uncountable Noun – Examples and Use in Sentences

The definition goes by saying that something that cannot be counted is termed as an uncountable noun. As they are uncountable these nouns are not individual objects. They will always be in the singular form and you must use a singular verb with it. It can be used in conjunction with various uncountable nouns.

When you would study some more examples of it, then only you would be able to know what it is like.

  • I did not see any more water in the pond.
  • You must always help yourself to some juices.
  • There would be a lot of information regarding Competitions and winners on the bulletin board.
  • He seems to have a high level of intelligence
  • One must always take good care of their types of equipment.
  • You must always get rid of your garbage before ts too late.

After all this, you must have the understanding of Partitive structure along with Uncountable nouns


Partitive Structure of Uncountable Nouns

If you wish to count or quantify an uncountable noun then you need to make use of a unit of measurement or a measuring word. For example, you cannot just use or say two pieces of bread as we know that it is countable. So if you wish to specify something with the quantity of bread then it will be easily measured with a loaf of bread or a slice of bread. Hence you can easily say as “2 loaves of bread”. This is a sentence which we call it as partitive structure.

Moreover, you can carry out the same experiment with uncountable nouns with different partitive expression. Suppose, as we were talking about the loaf of bread and also about the slice of bread then we may be talking about it with different expressions and different meaning. With a loaf of bread, you must call it as the whole unit of bread that we actually get it from the baker. With the slice of bread, you will call it a smaller unit of bread or something that has been cut from it.

Check out the examples given below to understand it in a better way.

  • You must never forget to buy a big bag of sugar when you go out for shopping.
  • You can always ask for a cup of tea or coffee when you get bored.
  • There were a lot of policemen standing at the crossroads due to some accident.
  • You will need to be very careful when you need a truck that will take some three pieces of furniture.
  • Do you need a tablespoon of honey that would be more than enough for a glass of milk?



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