How To Develop A Powerful Writing Style

Today we discuss about how you can develop your own powerful style of writing using a good knowledge of English grammar and deliver a content in a more engaging way to readers. 

Are you a great writer and still not satisfied with what you are serving to your readers? It might sometimes happen that you don’t even prefer your own writing style. Yes, writing style. Just like fashion.

People don’t generally realize it that they too have a writing style. You would be trying to make your copy as one of those authors by churning out dozens of emails. It would easily show your signature way of communicating.

Your writing style must be uniquely yours, but your unique style must be clear accurate and precise. It should not confuse your readers. If we see the writing styles and work of some famous authors such as Virginia Woolf, William Faulker or Ernest Hemingway, you would easily identify the writing style as they possess a personalized writing style and you can identify their writing in a lineup.

4 Steps to Develop Your Own Powerful Writing Style

It is always important to stick to your writing style as it will identify your quirks, your polish technique and your adaption to new innovations and ideas.

Here we bring you some of the powerful ways to develop a writing style through the appropriate use of grammar.

1. Having your own Writing Style

Have you read and re-read your own content? You would find out what style of writing you possess. Then check out is it quirky? Is it casual? Or is it formal? DO you use parenthesis in your contents? Or do you diversify the punctuation? Do you prefer long or short sentences? Asking all these questions to yourself will help you identify your writing style.

These are the component that would make the way for how do you communicate and that would make up your writing style. Make out some elements that would help you to consider yourself as a writer. Just create a small text box for your job on a regular basis.

If you feel that you need to improve your writing style or communication then start paying attention to the details you put in the content along with your writing habits. Some tips:

Have a look through the old chapters or articles or your emails to check out how you have written it. Take notes of all the recurring traits in your writing style.

While you are writing your content, re-read it to find out your tics.

You can even ask your colleagues and friends to find out the traits or common things that you repeat in your writing.

Once you have identified your writing style, characterize it and keep on improving it.

2. How To Hone Your Writing Style 

Sometimes a well-defined writing style can also get in the way of comprehension. Whatever you pick, whether its journalism or business writing or fiction, always ensure that your writing style must fit all the norms and still look like it’s your writing style.

While writing the content, always have a thesaurus handy. It would be really great. Using big words would help you to be more precise and descriptive. But don’t weigh down your writing by causing confusion.

Be very confident and assertive in writing without the use of self-references such as “I believe” or “I think” or “in my opinion”.

Put a stop on your passive style writing. Active voice is more strong and direct and proves to be a better choice.

3. Learn To Structure Your Writing Style

It is very important that your writing or content must be very concise and clear. Proper structuring your writing style means that you need to get rid of bad habits. Generally, you must check out the grammar of the sentences and spellings. Some tips that you can follow are given below:

  • Make sure you clean up your dirty and wordy sentences.
  • Stop using filler words.
  • Avoid filler words in official documents.
  • Ensure that your content is error-free.
  • Be assertive in your writing.

4. You Must Adapt Your Writing Style

You can easily shift your writing style based on different situations such as writing a memo for work, or drafting an email, any topic that would go into a magazine or editorial column of a newspaper.

  • Suppose, if you are writing a memo, then your sentences must be very short with all the bullet points. Make use of words that are used in the corporate world.
  • If it is an email, then make it look serious and not casual. It should contain all the important points without any fillers to make it long unnecessary.
  • In the case of academic writing, you must add illustrations and examples to make it elaborative.

You can be yourself while writing all this stuff and still be cautious. If you are aware of your habits and willing to adapt to the new concepts and ideas. It will help you to increase the range of your writing scenario which will improve with time.


With EnglishBix, you can enhance your writing style with proper use of grammar. Stay tuned to get more updates on your writing style.

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