Direct Objects with Examples in Sentences

Grammar is something that most individuals find it difficult to learn and understand. But the most essential thing is we cannot set apart grammar from the language. Without the use of grammar, the sentences won’t make any sense to you and you be able to communicate or convey your message in an effective way.

So in today’s session, we will be working Direct objects. We have got so many feedbacks to make something on Direct Objects. Hence on public demand, we are here to help you out with it.

What is a Direct Object?

In English Grammar, a direct object always refers to the fact that a noun or pronoun will receive the action of the sentences. When a direct object is used in the sentence, then it mostly answers the “whom?” and “what” part of the sentence which is in regards to the verb. For instance, you can check that,

Example: Mohan drinks tea every day.

Ask Question : What is Mohan drinking?

Here the answer would be “tea”, which shows it is a direct object.

You will notice that a direct object in a sentence will always be a noun. It may take any form such as sometimes it will be a pronoun, a noun clause or a noun phrase. Moreover, you will see that the direct object will always follow the transitive verb in a sentence.

Types of Direct Objects with Examples

Once you have understood how to identify the direct objects of a noun, pronoun, phrases or clauses you need to move ahead to look out what are its different kinds.

1. Noun As The Direct Object

Example : Meghna drinks beer.

What is Meghna drinking? – The answer is Beer, which easily indicates that it is the direct object.

2. Pronoun As Direct Object

Example : Diemen is good at playing the piano.

What is Diemen good at? – The answer would come to you as a Piano.

But you need to be a bit careful as pronouns can be used as antecedent that has been identified.

3. Compound Direct Object

Now, something surprising is on your way. You will get to see the use of compound Direct Object.

You Are Using Compound Direct Objects it will happen when you have more than one direct object. For instance, you can see that,

  • Meena is having apples and bananas
  • Deepika will make fish and curd for the dinner.

Here in the above sentence, you can see that the subjects are dealing with multiple objects and hence they are called a direct object.

4. Noun Phrase as a Direct Object

Have you ever read that a noun phrase can be a Direct Object? Well, we will see some examples here that will display the noun phrases as a direct object.

  • Joanna loves drinking cappuccino

What does Joanna love? – The answer would be drinking cappuccino. Here an entire phrase can be used as a direct object.

Find a Direct Object in a Sentence

Now, moving ahead how will we find the direct object?

With our simple formula, you will be able to identify a direct object in a sentence.

Subject + Action Verb + What? or Whom?

What? or Whom? = Direct Object

With this simple trick, you can apply to any sentence and then just make out which would be the object and which one would be the subject. Some examples of the direct object are:

Jeanne will hit the ball.

Here, we can clearly see that Jeanne is the subject and Ball is the direct object.


By now you have known the definition and usage of the direct object which by all means is a noun or pronoun that will receive the action of the sentences. It will always follow the transitive verb as another part of the speech functioning as a noun. We are always available to clear your doubts so you can contact us through our comment section given below.

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