EI Sound Words Phonics For Kids

We all know that phonic is a way of teaching, learning and writing the English language by improving student phonics awareness, hearing ability, identifying and using sounds.

Phonics can be thought of as a well-known relationship between letters in writing and the sounds they make in the language when we speak. This can be described as voice and audio relationships.

When we make sounds by reading the letters, we are actually analyzing the language. Editing words just means saying the letters and the sounds the letters make. We put the letters of the sound together to form words, which we call reading.

Today we’ll have a look at the list of EI digraph words for lower elementary grade kids.

Digraph EI Phonics Words for Kids

Following is a list of phonics words with ei sound:


Examples of Sentences with EI Words

Let us make it more interesting with a brief description of phonic words:

Word Sentences
 VeinThe vein was visible on his forehead.
ReinKeep a tight rein on your spending.
ReignThe country prospered under the King’s reign.
DeignWill the boss deign to attend our party?
FeignIn soccer today, the defender fell for the attacker’s feign.
NeighI heard the horse neigh from the stable
EightI go to work at 9 o clock sharp
WeighedWe weighed out a kilo of rice
SheikThe sheik wore traditional dress
VeilThe bride wore a long white veil
BeigeThe golfer wore beige slacks
SleighThe kids enjoyed the sleigh ride

Keep exploring EnglishBix to learn different types of consonant and vowel digraphs.

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UE Sound Phonics Words EA Sound Words
EE Digraph WordsDigraph Ai and Ay Words