If you go an ask any writer about their favorite things, then the answer that you would receive would not be surprising – It is Writing! But one thing that all writers are very much concerned is – Good Grammar. Without the proper use of grammar, the sentence structure won’t make any sense and they would not be able to convey a proper message to their readers.
Your poor grammar skills would reveal the laziness and lack of respect for the language as well as your readers. It also shows that the worker is not serious about the work.
If you consider a case of the author or writer then you will have to understand everything which would be possible to win your readers hearts and minds. If you find that there is some distraction then it might give rise to grammatical errors and confusion in the meaning of sentence structure. The consequences would be that they won’t be buying your books next time.
Grammar might sound tedious but only to those who are not interested in improving themselves they just want to write. But it is worth to keep checking your grammar before you move ahead to publish your content. Spending just a few minutes and save your reputation as a writer and it will save you from falling into the trap of grammar errors.
4 Grammar Errors to Check Before Your Publish Your Content
Now we would be discussing some grammar errors which when not corrected might kill your credibility.
1. Working Out Subject-Verb Agreement Errors:
It is a common fact that the subject and verb of the sentence must work in sync with one another whether it is singular or plural. In case if the subject of the sentence is singular then the verb must be singular. If you think that the subject is plural then the verb will be plural.
For Example:
- The people who stood for you in your difficult times those would be very important to you.
- What would be the best things about the party where you get good food and good music.
2. Avoiding Sentence Fragments:
You already know that sentence fragments are those incomplete sentence that does not have any proper meaning and need a sentence clause to completely add meaning to it. These sentence fragments would lack the subject or verb or both. Sometimes you might also feel that it is dependent on the proceedings of the meaning.
For Example:
- You wish to give an expensive present for your mother and father on their anniversary.
- The boys were very frightened to know the consequences of their sneaking out if the hostel.
3. Don’t Miss Comma After The Introductory Element
Commas are something which confuses a lot of writers but here is a tip that would help you to be careful. It means that you will have to put a comma just after the introductory word or phrase or clause of the sentence. It will help the reader to avoid confusion and help them work in a better way.
For Example:
- In case if you were not able to remember, my name in Roma Menon.
- It was too late before she had time to think about it.
4. Put a Stop On Misplaced Or Dangling Modifier:
If you are using a modifier and it must ensure that you are not misplacing it or making use of any dangling modifier. It will make the sentence sound very awkward. It would sound very ridiculous and very confusing. With a dangling modifier, you will get a phrase or word that will modify with word and it will clearly state in the sentence.
For Example:
- While you were walking on the sidewalk, Mohana found a very sparkling necklace.
- Once you have set off on the trail of good deeds then no one can stop you.
It is very important to understand these mistakes as they will help you to improve your skills and will save you from killing your writing credibility.