Exercising And Fitness Vocabulary Words

Fitness is defined as the ability to perform everyday tasks with energy and alertness, without excessive fatigue, and with enough energy to enjoy free time with family, friends, colleagues, and other social gatherings.

Now In order to complete all of these tasks, one must consistently address their fitness levels. This requires proper conditioning through both structured exercise and leisurely activities.

Let us know few common components related to fitness-

  • Cardiorespiratory endurance – usually measured by how long and how fast a person can perform an activity.
  • Muscle Endurance – Common tests include push-ups and squats.
  • Muscle Strength – Exercises involving multiple joints and muscle groups are often used, such as squats or bench presses. Modern devices that use biomechanics are often required in order to measure muscle strength.
  • Flexibility is the most common test that involves tendons and shoulders.
  • Balance consists of simple tests, such as standing on one leg, and can be used to assess balance.
  • Speed in the 40-yard dash is often used to estimate the speed of a vehicle.

Exercise is a physical activity that is planned, organized, and repeated for the purpose of overall improving and conditioning the body. The exercise consists of cardiovascular strength training and strength training, as well as flexibility.

Exercise is considered to be very essential for overall improvement of health, and exercise does maintain the fitness of a child and help preventing the development of obesity, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.

The following benefits are for regular and timely exercises:

  • preventing weight gain and maintaining healthy weight
  • reducing blood pressure and cholesterol
  • improving self-esteem and self-confidence
  • decreasing the risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer
  • increased life expectancy

lastly, always do exercise under the guidance of your trainer and recommendation of your medical practitioner.

Now let us work on the words related to exercise and fitness:

Exercise and Fitness Vocabulary Words

Achea dull persistent pain
Achievementthe action of accomplishing something
Activecharacterized by energetic movement
Acupuncturetreatment of illness by inserting thin needles in the skin
Addictivecausing or characterized by addiction
Adulthoodthe period of time in life after physical growth has stopped
Aerobicsexercise that increases the need for oxygen
Allergyhypersensitive immunological reaction to some substance
Bloodthe fluid that is pumped through the body by the heart
blood pressurethe pressure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels
Collapsebreak down, literally or metaphorically
Competitionthe act of contending with others for rewards or resources
Exercisethe activity of exerting muscles to keep fit
fast foodinexpensive food prepared and served quickly
Fitmeeting adequate standards for a purpose
Flavorthe taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth
Flexcause something to assume a bent or crooked shape
Flexibleable to bend easily
Fracturebreaking of hard tissue such as bone
Geneticsthe study of heredity and variation in organisms
Glanda small organ that synthesizes and secretes chemicals
Gymnasiumathletic facility equipped for sports or physical training
Habitan established custom
Handletouch, lift, or hold
Harmfulcausing or capable of causing damage
Headachepain in the head
Healthyfree from infirmity or disease
high blood pressurea common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high
Insulinhormone secreted by the isles of Langerhans in the pancreas
Jointjunction by which parts or objects are linked together
Medicinethe profession devoted to alleviating diseases and injuries
Medicationsomething that treats or prevents the symptoms of disease
Memorythe cognitive process whereby past experience is remembered
mental healththe psychological state of someone
Metabolicof or relating to metabolism
Nicotinean alkaloid poison that occurs in tobacco
Nutritionthe organic process of nourishing or being nourished
Obesitythe condition of being excessively overweight
Obstaclesomething that stands in the way and must be surmounted
Respirationa single complete act of breathing in and out
Responsethe speech act of continuing a conversational exchange
Swimmingthe act of swimming
Symptoma sensation associated with a particular disease
Systema group of independent elements comprising a unified whole
Tensionthe action of stretching something tight
Terroran overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety
Trainingactivity leading to skilled behavior
transformationthe act of changing in form or shape or appearance
transplanttransfer from one place or period to another
Traumaan emotional wound or shock having long-lasting effects
Vitaminan organic substance essential to normal metabolism
Weightthe vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity
Wincedraw back, as with fear or pain
workoutfind the solution to or understand the meaning of
Xraytake a photograph with a stream of high-energy photons
Yogadiscipline training the consciousness for spiritual insight
Zesta tart spicy quality
Zinca bluish-white lustrous metallic element

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