Future Conditionals Examples In English

Let us understand what is future conditional is?

The future conditional describes something that might happen in the future and remains with a condition. It often uses “if.” Examples: If I go to the park tomorrow, I will run with my dog. “If I go to the park tomorrow” is in the present tense.

“I will run with my dog” is in the future tense and uses a modal verb, will. You can use other modal verbs: can, might, should, must, etc.

The order of the sentence may also be reversed:

  • I will run with my dog if I go to the park tomorrow.

Examples of Future Conditionals

  • If Aishwarya goes to the party, she will wear this beautiful saree.

*Notice the comma ( , ) after “party.”

  • Pablo will be very happy if he can marry the girl he loves.
  • If I buy this house, I’m going to paint it a different color.
  • If he comes to my house I will speak.
  • My mother will be very happy if I take flowers for her.
  • If I visit my parents’ house, I will ensure to carry their favorite fruit.
  • I must say thanks for the gift if my friend visits to my house.
  • He should be apologetic if he has committed a crime.

There are two types of future conditionals: real and unreal. real and unreal conditionals talk about a situation which can be real or hypothetical.

Real and Unreal Future Conditionals

What is Real Future Conditional?

A real future condition (also called conditional 1) describes what you think you will do in a particular situation in the future. It is different from other forms with real conditions because, unlike the present or the past, you do not know what will happen in the future. Although this form is called “true”, you often think or speculate about the future. It is called “real” because it is possible that the action may appear in the future.

Few examples to understand “Real Future Conditional”:

  • If I visit my in laws house, I will carry a bottle of wine for them

(In above, I am not sure about to visit my in laws house or not)

  • If the weather is nice, she is going to walk to work.

(It depends on the weather).

  • I am going to read if there is nothing on TV.

(It depends on the TV schedule).

Now let us understand what is Unreal Future Conditional?

Unreasonable future terms are used to talk about future thinking situations. It’s not as common as the real future of the future because English speakers often leave open the possibility that anything could happen in the future.

Few examples to understand “Unreal Future Conditional”:

I am busy next week. If I had time, I would come to your house for a party.

(I can’t come).

If I had a day off from work next week, I would go to the beach with family.

(I don’t have a day off from work).

If I were not going to visit my mother tomorrow, I would help you study.

(I am going to visit my grandmother tomorrow).