Continuous prose is a piece of written work with text without subheads, flowing from one paragraph to the next. It is a name for any writing that is not in verse, and continues.
Continuous prose is a writing that has continuous paragraphs with no subheadings that divide each of the paragraphs. It typically has an introduction para, body paragraphs with concepts and examples, and a conclusion para.
Examples of Continuous Prose
Examples of continuous prose include essays, newspaper articles, journal articles, blog posts and academic papers.
- Essay –
An essay is defined as a brief piece of writing expressing facts as well as the opinion of the writer. It is also considered synonymous with a story or a article or an essay. Essays are formal as well as informal. In general, formal essays are educational in nature and tackle serious subjects. Informal essays that are more intimate and also have elements that are humorous.
- News Article/News Report –
News articles cover the essentials of current events. The questions they are answering are: who, what, where, how, and when. Photographs, accounts, interviews, polling, etc. can be included. Headlines may be used to concentrate the attention of the reader on a specific (or primary) section of the story.
- Journal Articles –
A journal is a compilation of articles that is published periodically throughout the year (like a magazine). Journals present the most recent research. They may be published in print or online formats, or both.
- Blog Posts –
A blog (formally known as a weblog) is a website or web page that is regularly updated and can either be used for personal use or to meet business needs. A blog needs to be updated frequently, unlike a website, which enables you to connect with visitors to your site.
- Academic/Research Paper –
A research article is a common form of academic writing. Research papers require students and academics in a structured report to find information about a subject (i.e., to perform research), take a stance on that subject, and provide justification (or evidence) for that position.
The term research paper may also refer to a scholarly article that contains the results of original research or an evaluation of research conducted by others.