With this ultimate list of House Vocabulary, you can easily boost your word power. These are some really common objects that you use in your day to day lives. While you are making your kids learn something new it is very necessary to make them understand by teaching them words of the things they see around the house.
100+ Household Items Vocabulary Words attic blanket couch floor basement bookcase curtain furniture bathtub carpet desk garage bathroom ceiling dining room hall bed chair door hallway bedroom closet fan key
kitchen lamp living room lock mirror picture porch roof room rug shelf sink sofa stairs table toilet wall window
Ridge Roof Chimney pot Chimney Satellite dish Wall Window Hanging basket Garage door Basement Driveway Fence Balcony Door Brick Letter box/ Mailbox Antenna Doorknocker Garage Gable Shutter Skylight Step Burglar alarm Doorstep Dormer window Eaves Stairs
Hedge Tree Cow Sheep Fence Plant Wheelie bin Recycling bin Pot Bucket Watering can Garden hose Boots Broom Fertilizer Soil Hoe Gloves Shovel Wheelbarrow
Vegetable garden Seed packet Animal Grass Lawnmower Flower Pond Faucet House Hut Hotel Building Farmhouse Barn Dormitory Log cabin Lighthouse Nursing home Castle Block of Flats Apartment building Terraced houses Villa Skyscraper/ high rise Semi-detached houses Detached house Cottage
Alarm Clock Armoire Backpack Bedspread Binders Blanket Blinds Bookcase Books Broom Brush Bucket Calendar Carpet Chair China Coffee Table Comb Comforter Computer
Container Couch Cup Curtains Cushion Desk Door Cleaner Drapes Drill Dryer Dust-Pan Duvet Extension cord Fan Figurine File Cabinet Fire Extinguisher Flashlight Flatware Forks
Furnace Games Glasses Hammer Heater Houseplant Iron Ironing Board Jewelry Knives Lamp Light Bulbs Switches Linens Magnet Marker Medicine Mementos Microwave Mop Mugs Musical Instruments Napkins Note Paper
Oven Paintings Pans Pants Paper Pen Pencil Phones Photographs Piano Pictures Pillows Pitcher Plants Plastic Plates Pliers Pots Radio Rags Refrigerator
Saucer Saw Scissor Screw Driver Shades Sheets Shelf Shirts Shoes Smoke Detector Speakers Spoons Suitcases Supplies Sweeper Table Cloth Tables Telephone Tissues Towels
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