Linear and Non-Linear Texts Examples 

You are already aware of the significance of the English language. It is so important in the modern-day that you cannot do without it. English is a must everywhere. But English is not just about how you are using the words or how strong is your vocabulary.

You need to have a grip on various concepts of the English language. By taking this into consideration, we will be learning a new concept today – Linear and Non-Liner Texts. 

What is Linear Text?

In the English language, linear text refers to traditional text that requires to be read from the beginning to the end. In this type of text, you will always find an order or sequence while explanation anything. Well, the order of the texts is based on the author of the text. They have the authority to decide the reading path for enhancing the experience of the readers.  Generally, texts printed on paper are considered linear texts.

Examples of linear texts include Novels, poems, short stories, textbooks, letters, newspaper articles, educational texts, and all those texts that we have to read from the beginning to the end.

Properties of Linear Texts

Apart from the definition, here are some of the important points that you should know about the liner texts. 

  • It is the most common type of reading; it focuses on the arrangement of words, both grammatically and stylistically.
  • There is only one reading path, which is decided by the author.
  • Typically includes printed texts.
  • It somehow takes time for the reader to find the information they are looking for.  
  • In linear texts, contents are in the linear and sequential structure.
  • In linear texts, there is a focus on grammar and style.
  • Examples of linear texts include Novels, poems, letters, newspaper articles, etc.

Get To Know The Example Of Linear Texts:

The graph shows the analysis of the SPM English Language results for the years

2000 to 2003. It shows that the percentage of passes has been increasing steadily,

from about 87% in 2000 to 95% in 2003. The increasing trend in quality indicates

that the standard of English of the pupils is getting better. Extra classes, good

teachers, and students’ awareness of its importance probably accounted for the


What is a Non-Liner Text?

According to the rules and standards of the English language, non-linear text is different from non-linear texts. The pathway of the non-linear texts follows a path from left to right and top to bottom with information organized sequentially. You can find the use of non-linear texts in various digital texts. It can be used for conveying a message and hyper linking them to one another. These allow a reader to access information as needed and a writer to create opportunities for a reader to make these choices.

The basic difference between the linear and non-linear texts is that the non-linear texts are used for highlighting important thematic conflict. In non-linear texts, you can easily skip the boring details and provide context and character background. Flow charts, knowledge maps, digital texts with hyperlinks, and encyclopedias are some examples of non-linear text.

Properties of Non-Linear Texts

  • The non-linear text refers to the text that does not need to be read from the beginning to the end.
  • Non-linear text is a text combined with visual elements.
  • There are multiple reading paths (the reading is not sequential). They are determined by the reader. In other words, the reader can choose his own reading paths.
  • Typically include digital texts.
  • Non-linear texts allow readers to find specific information more quickly and efficiently.
  • In a non-linear text, contents are organized in a network structure.
  • In the non-linear text, the focus is on specific information. Less attention is given to grammar and style.


Now you have understood the liner and non-liner texts. It can be used or applied in any form. You just have to know when and how to use it.