In this article we will look at the list of most common and rare types of fears and phobias along with the meaning of those words to know what they actually mean.
A phobia is an irrational and unfounded fear of something. The etymology of the word can be traced back to the Greek word, ‘phobos’ which means fear or horror. The fear of phobia can not be logically explained, it is a type of anxiety disorder that can cause severe stress.
List Of Common Phobias and Fears
The different types of phobias with their meaning are mentioned below. The list includes the most common ones and some which may sound a bit strange. Explore the table to discover the terms for some of the more interesting phobias you may have not heard of.
Phobia | Meaning of Fears / Phobias |
Acrophobia | fear of heights |
Aerophobia | fear of flying |
Aibohphobia | fear of palindromes |
Algophobia | fear of pain |
Androphobia | fear of men |
Anthophobia | fear of flowers |
Arachnophobia | fear of spiders |
Astraphobia | fear of thunderstorm |
Atelophobia | fear of imperfection |
Autophobia | fear of being alone |
Bibliophobia | fear of books |
Chromophobia | fear of colours |
Claustrophobia | fear of confined or closed spaces |
Coulrophobia | fear of clowns |
Cryophobia | fear of ice or cold |
Cynophobia | fear of Dogs |
Dentophobia | fear of dentists |
Genuphobia | fear of knees |
Gynophobia | fear of women |
Heliophobia | fear of sunlight |
Hemophobia | fear of blood |
Hydrophobia | fear of water |
Hylophobia | fear of trees |
Hypochondria | fear of illness |
Insectophobia | fear of insects |
Latrophobia | fear of doctors |
Leukophobia | fear of the colour white |
Microphobia | fear of small things |
Mysophobia | fear of dirt or germs |
Noctiphobia | fear of the night |
Nomophobia | fear of not having mobile |
Octophobia | fear of the number eight(8) |
Ombrophobia | fear of rain |
Ophidiophobia | fear of snakes |
Ornithophobia | fear of birds |
Paedophobia | fear of children |
Philophobia | fear of love |
Pyrophobia | fear of fire |
Selenophobia | fear of the moon |
Somniphobia | fear of falling asleep |
Spectrophobia | fear of mirrors and one’s own reflection |
Tachophobia | fear of speed |
Tonitrophobia | fear of thunder and lightning |
Turophobia | fear of cheese |
Triskaidekaphobia | fear of the number 13 |
Uranophobia | fear of heaven |
Venustraphobia | fear of beautiful women |
Verminophobia | fear of germs |
Xanthophobia | fear of the colour yellow |
Xenophobia | fear of foreigners or strangers |
Zoophobia | fear of animals |
Phew!, That was a really long list. Don’t worry you don’t have to remember them all at once, Take your Time.
Bookmark this list and refer it whenever you want to know about a particular type of fear.
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