List of Hurtful Words to Say to Someone

Hurtful is an adjective and means to cause distress or injury to another’s feelings; causing pain or suffering, especially of the mental nature; it can also mean danger to biodiversity.

It tends to hurt or injure, harmful, mischievous, loss or injury that occurs such as hurtful words or behavior.

List of Hurtful Words

Following are examples of hurtful words to say to someone

Word Meaning / Example
ARROGANT He thinks he’s the best.
BIGHEADED The same as “arrogant.”
SELF CENTRED The world to revolve around him
VAIN He loves looking at himself in the mirror.
BOASTFUL He always talks about how brilliant he is and all the amazing things he does.
POMPOUS Like “arrogant” but in a way that makes him look foolish, like this guy:
CALLOUS He doesn’t care about anyone, especially those who are weaker than him.
CYNICAL He sees the bad side in everybody’s personality and actions.
OVERCRITICAL He exaggerates the negative things you do.
PATRONISING Showing how much more important he is than you.
ALOOF He’s unfriendly, cold and distant.
IMPOLITE He’s rude.
INCONSIDERATE He does things that hurt or annoy you without thinking about your feelings.
THOUGHTLESS The same as “inconsiderate.”
CONFRONTATIONAL He tries to challenge you, even when it’s not necessary.
DEFENSIVE He behaves as if you’re attacking him, even if you aren’t.
HOSTILE He behaves like your enemy.
BELLIGERENT He’s aggressive and hostile.
BITCHY He makes small, sarcastic comments about you. They seem small, but they’re designed to hurt you.
NASTY He’s not nice.
BOSSY He likes telling you what to do — like a boss.
CRUEL He actually enjoys seeing other people in pain and sometimes creates that pain.
DOMINEERING He likes to have control over everyone in every situation.
DECEITFUL She pretends to be your friend, then she’ll stab you in the back (do something bad to you after you’ve started trusting her).
DISHONEST She’s not honest.
MACHIAVELLIAN She intelligently uses different people against each other to get what she wants.
SNEAKY She does things that you don’t know about that affect you negatively.
UNTRUSTWORTHY You can’t trust her. She lies!
DOGMATIC She has strong beliefs and doesn’t accept any view outside those beliefs.
INFLEXIBLE When she’s made plans, NOTHING can change them.
INTOLERANT She doesn’t like certain types of people and will never accept them. Sometimes this can be extreme, like racism, sexism or homophobia.
NARROW MINDED She has a small view of the world and doesn’t accept ideas outside that view.
STUBBORN You will never be able to change her opinion on anything.
OBSTINATE Like “stubborn,” but a little stronger.
PIG HEADED Like “obstinate.” But with a pig.
FUSSY She likes everything to be a certain way. If there’s a change, she gets very upset or angry.
INDISCREET Sometimes you don’t want somebody shouting your bank balance out across a crowded office.
TACTLESS It’s like “indiscreet” but with words.
UNPREDICTABLE You don’t know what she’s going to do next!
VAGUE She doesn’t explain things clearly.
IMPATIENT If she has to wait too long for anything, she gets angry. Maybe she’ll walk away.
UNRELIABLE Can’t trust her to keep her promises.
JEALOUS She hates seeing you with other people.
POSSESSIVE She only wants you to spend time with her. You have no other friends now.
RESENTFUL She still gets angry about things that happened a long time ago.
SECRETIVE She regularly keeps secrets from you.
CARELESS He doesn’t care enough about things, so he can often lose or break them.
IRRESPONSIBLE If you give him a task to do, he will mess it up (do it very badly).
UNTIDY He doesn’t tidy up and leaves a mess everywhere. He’s probably got some food on his shirt, too.
FOOLISH He doesn’t have the brains to make the right decisions — so he makes bad decisions.
GULLIBLE If you told him that you’d just been invited to Tom Cruise’s space station party on the moon, he’d believe you.
INDECISIVE He finds it difficult to make decisions — so he often sticks with “no decision.”
PESSIMISTIC She always sees the negative side of things.
SULLEN Like “grumpy.”
TOUCHY You can make her angry or upset very easily.
FINICKY She’s very fussy and wants everything to be the way she wants.
SILLY She’s not serious and can behave a bit like a child sometimes.
VULGAR She’s not sophisticated. Her jokes are often sexual and rude.