Math Acronyms and Abbreviations List

Mathematics is the science that deals with the order of shape, size and arrangement. Math is all around us, in everything we do. It is the structure of everything in our daily lives, including mobile devices, computers, software, architecture (ancient and modern), arts, finance, engineering and sports.

Let us work on the acronyms and abbreviations related to math:

Math Abbreviations List

a.c.Absolutely continuous.
acrdInverse chord function.
adad joint representation (or ad joint action) of a Lie group.
a.s.Almost surely.
atan2Inverse tangent function with two arguments. (Also written as arctan2.)
bdBoundary. (Also written as fr or ?.)
BiAiry function of the second kind.
BIDMASBrackets, Indices, Divide, Multiply, Add, Subtract.
casCos + sin function.
cdfCumulative distribution function.
c.f.Cumulative frequency.
c.c.Complex conjugate.
charcharacteristic of a ring.
ciscos + i sin function. (Also written as expi.)
Clconjugacy class.
infinfimum of a set. (Also written as glb.)
I.o.Infinitely often.
Shihyperbolic sine integral function.
Sisine integral function.
sinsine function.
Specspectrum of a ring.
Spinspin group.
tantangent function. (Also written as tgn, tg.)
tanhhyperbolic tangent function.
Trtrace, either the field trace, or the trace of a matrix or linear transformation.
undefa function or expression is undefined
varvariance of a random variable.
wffwell-formed formula.
whpwith high probability.
wlogwithout loss of generality.
WMAwe may assume.
WOwell-ordered set.
WTSwant to show.

Math Acronyms List

Let’s have a look at the list of commonly used math acronyms:

AAAngle Angle
AAIMSArkansas Advanced Initiative for Math and Science
AARMSAtlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences
ABCAmerican Book Company
ABSAbacus Brain Study
ADIDASAll Day I Dream About Sums
AESAdvanced Encryption Standard
BLTBuild, Lease and Transfer
CCPConnected Curriculum Project
CHTCayley-Hamilton Theorem
CPConditional Probability
CSGConstructive Solid Geometry
DCTDiscrete Cosine Transformation
DGDifferential Geometry
DSTDiscrete Sine Transform
FDMFinite Difference Method
FEMFinite Element Method
FFTFast Fourier Transform
FPUFloating Point Unit
GCFGreatest Common Factor
GDCGraphic Display Calculator
GEMSGirls Exploring Math and Science
IALInternational Algebraic Language
IKMCInternational Kangaroo Mathematics Contest
IUMJIndiana University Mathematics Journal
JMOJunior Mathematics Olympiad
LCDLowest Common Denominator
LSDLeast Significant Digit
MAAMathematical Association of America
MIMathematical Induction
MIMile recent
MICMathematics in Context
MTGMathematics Trainers Guild-Philippines
NESNetwork Encryption System
PDEPartial Differential Equation
PMEPi Mu Epsilon
POEProcess of Elimination
RMSRoot Mean Square
RPRatios and Proportional
RSSRoot Sum Square
SASStatistical Analysis System
TCMTrellis Code Modulation
TOMSTransactions on Mathematical Software
WLOGWithout loss of generality