Mathematics is the science that deals with the order of shape, size and arrangement. Math is all around us, in everything we do. It is the structure of everything in our daily lives, including mobile devices, computers, software, architecture (ancient and modern), arts, finance, engineering and sports.
Let us work on the acronyms and abbreviations related to math:
Math Abbreviations List
Word | Meaning |
a.c. | Absolutely continuous. |
acrd | Inverse chord function. |
ad | ad joint representation (or ad joint action) of a Lie group. |
a.s. | Almost surely. |
atan2 | Inverse tangent function with two arguments. (Also written as arctan2.) |
bd | Boundary. (Also written as fr or ?.) |
Bi | Airy function of the second kind. |
BIDMAS | Brackets, Indices, Divide, Multiply, Add, Subtract. |
cas | Cos + sin function. |
cdf | Cumulative distribution function. |
c.f. | Cumulative frequency. |
c.c. | Complex conjugate. |
char | characteristic of a ring. |
cis | cos + i sin function. (Also written as expi.) |
Cl | conjugacy class. |
im | image |
inf | infimum of a set. (Also written as glb.) |
I.o. | Infinitely often. |
ker | kernel. |
Shi | hyperbolic sine integral function. |
Si | sine integral function. |
sin | sine function. |
Spec | spectrum of a ring. |
Spin | spin group. |
tan | tangent function. (Also written as tgn, tg.) |
tanh | hyperbolic tangent function. |
Tr | trace, either the field trace, or the trace of a matrix or linear transformation. |
undef | a function or expression is undefined |
v | volume. |
var | variance of a random variable. |
wff | well-formed formula. |
whp | with high probability. |
wlog | without loss of generality. |
WMA | we may assume. |
WO | well-ordered set. |
WTS | want to show. |
Math Acronyms List
Let’s have a look at the list of commonly used math acronyms:
Word | Meaning |
% | percent |
2T | Two-term |
AA | Angle Angle |
AAIMS | Arkansas Advanced Initiative for Math and Science |
AARMS | Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences |
ABC | American Book Company |
ABS | Abacus Brain Study |
AC | Associative-Commutative |
ADIDAS | All Day I Dream About Sums |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard |
BLT | Build, Lease and Transfer |
CCP | Connected Curriculum Project |
CHT | Cayley-Hamilton Theorem |
CP | Conditional Probability |
CSG | Constructive Solid Geometry |
DCT | Discrete Cosine Transformation |
DG | Differential Geometry |
DST | Discrete Sine Transform |
FDM | Finite Difference Method |
FEM | Finite Element Method |
FFT | Fast Fourier Transform |
FPU | Floating Point Unit |
GCF | Greatest Common Factor |
GDC | Graphic Display Calculator |
GEMS | Girls Exploring Math and Science |
IAL | International Algebraic Language |
IKMC | International Kangaroo Mathematics Contest |
IUMJ | Indiana University Mathematics Journal |
JMO | Junior Mathematics Olympiad |
LCD | Lowest Common Denominator |
LSD | Least Significant Digit |
MAA | Mathematical Association of America |
Max | Maximum |
MI | Mathematical Induction |
MI | Mile recent |
MIC | Mathematics in Context |
Min | Minimum |
MTG | Mathematics Trainers Guild-Philippines |
NES | Network Encryption System |
PDE | Partial Differential Equation |
PME | Pi Mu Epsilon |
POE | Process of Elimination |
RMS | Root Mean Square |
RP | Ratios and Proportional |
RSS | Root Sum Square |
SAS | Statistical Analysis System |
TCM | Trellis Code Modulation |
TOMS | Transactions on Mathematical Software |
WLOG | Without loss of generality |