50 Rare and Uncommon English Words With Meanings

Dear Children, Let us have a look at some of the most uncommon or rare words in English.

We must know that a good vocabulary signals a good mind. That’s useful whether you’re a helping professional or not, in your work life and outside.

For example, if you are a consultant, a good vocabulary helps to ensure that you understand what your client is saying. And if your answer shows that, you also increased your credibility. After all, use an unfamiliar word only if you feel confident that someone will understand and know that you are choosing that word because it reflects exactly what you are trying to say, not that you are trying to show off.

Another good combination of vocabulary is that when you come across unfamiliar words while reading, you are less likely to need to stop to look them up

.Also, good vocabulary is important when writing even though the use of unfamiliar words exposes your appearance as a show.

Here, I have selected 20 words on my list that may seem helpful to psychologists, counselors, and trainers. Most have a more specific meaning than the common word but are understood by enough people. 

Rare English Words with Meanings

Following is a list of some of the most uncommon words we hear along with their meanings.

effeteover-refined. His manner was effete, from his cocked cap to the way he lifted his teacup.
fatuoussilly yet smug. His self-satisfaction when telling inane jokes made him a laughingstock.
credulityreadiness to believe. Having gone broke, her credulity opened him to get-rich-quick schemes.
remonstrateargue in protest. The child knew he’d get his way if he remonstrated long enough.
insouciantcarefree, nonchalant. His insouciant manner attracted women who liked the dandy type.
risiblelaughable. In the face of round after round of layoffs, the corporate slogan, “Our people are our most important product” is risible.
miendemeanor. Her mien was demure, insouciant.
execrabledetestable. Not having seen their aging parents in two years is execrable.
fulsomeinsincere, mawkish. The employee’s fulsome praising the boss didn’t fool him a bit.
fractiousirritable. Everyone was afraid the fractious guy would explode.
abjurerenounce. I abjure all rights to child visitation in exchange for no longer having to pay child support.
fulminatedenounce forcefully. She fulminated against the president even when watching him on TV.
importunebeg persistently. She was so eager to marry that she importuned him until he felt so pressured, he dumped her.
proscribecommand against. The regulations proscribe even the smallest deviations from the law.
imperiousdomineering. The chef’s imperious manner intimidated the entire kitchen staff.
descrycatch sight of. They quickly pulled their clothes back on lest someone descry them in the act.
martinetdemander of conformity. The boss was a martinet; who insisted that everyone had to punch a clock and divide the work precisely equally.
cavilquibble. Siblings can cavil even over who gets to wash their hands first.
querulouspeevish. Ever so querulous, you’d think she was looking for an opportunity to argue with you.
timorousbeyond timid, fearful. He was understandably timorous as he awaited the psychiatric evaluation.

Keep exploring EnglishBix to learn some common English words used in daily conversation.

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