200+ Advanced English Vocabulary Words List

Let’s explore some advanced English words with their meanings to help you understand where you can use these terms.

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Advanced English Vocabulary Words with Meanings

Words Definition
Aberration Deviation from normal/expected
Enervate Sap energy from
Venality Susceptibility to bribes/corruption
Betray to reveal or make known something, usually unintentionally
Censure to express strong disapproval
Wanting lacking
Extant still in existence (usually refers to documents)
Maintain to assert
Profligate spending resources recklessly or wastefully
Involved complicated, and difficult to comprehend
Ingenuous to be naïve and innocent
Auspicious favorable, the opposite of sinister
Ambivalent mixed or conflicting emotions about something
Amorphous shapeless
Demur to object or show reluctance
Impertinent being disrespectful; improperly forward or bold
Prodigal rashly or wastefully extravagant
Equivocal confusing or ambiguous
Intimate to suggest something subtly
Belie to give a false representation to; misrepresent
Galvanize to excite or inspire (someone) to action
Veracious truthful
Restive restless
Calumny making of a false statement meant to injure a person’s reputation
Egregious standing out in a negative way; shockingly bad
Iconoclast somebody who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions
Castigate to reprimand harshly
Vindicate to clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proof
Ambiguous Open to more than one interpretation, not clear
Parochial narrowly restricted in scope or outlook
Disinterested unbiased; neutral
Mercurial prone to unexpected and unpredictable changes in mood
Artful Cunning/exhibiting artistic skill
Gregarious willingness to socialize
Laconic using very few words
Qualify to make less severe; to limit (a statement)
Upbraid to reproach; to scold
Anomalous not normal
Prevaricate to speak in an evasive way
Venerate to respect deeply
Acrimony bitterness and ill will
Frugal not spending much money (but spending wisely)
Harangue a long pompous speech; a tirade
Amenable easily persuaded
Undermine to weaken
Amalgam a mixture of multiple things
Parsimonious extremely frugal; miserly
Commensurate to be in proportion or corresponding in degree or amount
Innocuous harmless and doesn’t produce any ill effects
Chastise to reprimand harshly
Audacious willing to be bold in social situations or to take risks
Torpor inactivity resulting from lethargy and lack of vigor or energy
Dogmatic not accepting that one’s own beliefs may not be correct
Gall being rude and impertinent, feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
Cryptic mysterious or vague, usually intentionally
Rustic characteristic of rural life; awkwardly simple and provincial
Didactic instructive (especially excessively)
Platitude a trite or obvious remark
Vociferous conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry
Banal repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
Recondite difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge


Concede acknowledge defeat, admit, give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another
Meticulous marked by extreme care in treatment of details
Dictatorial expecting unquestioning obedience; characteristic of an absolute ruler
Entrenched fixed firmly or securely
Conspicuous without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious
Deferential showing respect
Exacerbate make worse
Fortuitous occurring by happy chance; having no cause or apparent cause
Perfidy deliberate betrayal; a breach of a trust
Decorous characterized by good taste in manners and conduct
Obscure make unclear, not known by many
Frivolous not serious in content or attitude or behavior
Querulous habitually complaining
Incisive having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions
Superfluous more than is needed, desired, or required; serving no useful purpose
Aesthete one who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature
Engender give rise to
Gossamer characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy
Aesthetic concerned with the appreciation of beauty, set of principles underlying and guiding the work of a particular artist or artistic movement.
Predilection a strong liking
Inexorable impossible to stop or prevent; stubborn
Eschew Avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of
Mawkish overly sentimental to the point that it is disgusting
Lambast criticize severely or angrily
Diffident modest reserve; lacking self-confidence


Prescience the power to foresee the future
Glut an excessive supply; supply with an excess of
Reticent disinclined to talk, not revealing one’s thoughts
Bucolic relating to the pleasant aspects of the country
Apathetic marked by a lack of interest
Germane relevant and appropriate
Preclude keep from happening or arising; make impossible
Culminate reach the highest or most decisive point
Impudent improperly forward or bold
Gainsay deny or contradict; speak against or oppose
Volubility the quality of talking or writing easily and continuously
Culpability a state of guilt, responsibility
Mitigate make less severe or harsh
Chortle to chuckle, laugh merrily, often in a breathy, muffled way
Treacherous tending to betray; dangerously unstable and unpredictable
Precocious exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude)
Supplant take the place or move into the position of
Rudimentary earliest stages of development; being or involving basic facts or principles
Frustrate hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
Disaffected discontented as toward authority
Guileless free of deceit
Heretic person who holds unorthodox opinions in any field (not merely religion)
Subsume contain or include; consider (an instance of something) as part of a general rule or principle
Insidious working in a subtle but destructive way
Vilify spread negative information about
Panache distinctive and showy elegance
Derivative not original but drawing strongly on something already in existence, especially in reference to a creative product (e.g. music, writing, poetry etc.)
Immutable not able to be changed
Avaricious excessively greedy
Haughty having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy
Quotidian found in the ordinary course of events
Refractory stubbornly resistant to authority or control
Jingoism fanatical patriotism
Unequivocal admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion
Spurious plausible but false
Eclectic comprised of a variety of styles
Fallacious of a belief that is based on faulty reasoning
Ephemeral lasting a very short time
Staunch firm and dependable especially in loyalty
Derive come from; be connected by a relationship of blood, for example; reason by deduction; establish by deduction
Elucidate make clearer and easier to understand
Denote be a sign or indication of; have as a meaning
Languid not inclined towards physical exertion or effort; slow and relaxed
Travesty an absurd presentation of something; a mockery
Apathy an absence of emotion or enthusiasm
Tantamount being essentially equal to something
Abstain choose not to consume or take part in (particularly something enjoyable)
Mollify to make someone angry less angry; placate
Magnanimous noble and generous in spirit, especially towards a rival or someone less powerful


Itinerant traveling from place to place to work
Tenacious stubbornly unyielding
Juxtapose place side by side for contrast
Vehement marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions
Jubilant full of high-spirited delight because of triumph or success
Ascetic practicing self-denial; one who practices great self-denial
Contrive to pull off a plan or scheme, usually through skill or trickery
Belligerent characteristic of one eager to fight
Forlorn marked by or showing hopelessness
Circumvent cleverly find a way out of one’s duties or obligations
Eminent standing above others in quality or position
Ameliorate make something bad better
Incongruous lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness
Negligible so small as to be meaningless; insignificant
Delineate describe in detail
Aberrant markedly different from an accepted norm
Soporific inducing mental lethargy; sleep inducing
Ignoble dishonorable
Blatant without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious
Acerbic harsh in tone
Exacting requiring and demanding accuracy
Reconcile make (one thing) compatible with (another)
Contingent dependent on (usually used with upon); a gathering of persons representative of some larger group
Construe interpreted in a particular way
Provincial characteristic of a limited perspective; not fashionable or sophisticated
Iconoclastic defying tradition or convention
Apocryphal being of questionable authenticity
Intransigent unwilling to change one’s beliefs or course of action
Hackneyed lacking significance through having been overused
Forthcoming available when required or as promised; at ease in talking to others
Expound add details or explanation; clarify the meaning; state in depth
Implausible describing a statement that is not believable
Pedantic marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects
Petulant easily irritated or annoyed
Pragmatic guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory
Temperance the trait of avoiding excesses
Largess extreme generosity and giving
Espouse to adopt or support an idea or cause
Bumbling lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands
Implacable incapable of making less angry or hostile
Pundit someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field
Idiosyncrasy a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual
Tortuous marked by repeated turns and bends; not straightforward
Underscore give extra weight to (a communication)


Abstruse difficult to understand; incomprehensible
Ostentatious intended to attract notice and impress others; tawdry or vulgar
Decorum propriety in manners and conduct
Laudable worthy of high praise
Copious in abundant supply
Opaque not clearly understood or expressed
Discrete constituting a separate entity or part
Refute prove to be false or incorrect
Confound To cause confusion; mistake one thing for another
Exalt praise or glorify
Unscrupulous without scruples or principles
Burgeon grow and flourish
Incorrigible impervious to correction by punishment
Ingratiate gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts
Denigrate charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone
Eradicate to completely destroy
Exonerate pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
Myopic lacking foresight or imagination
Indifference the trait of seeming not to care
Adamant refusing to change one’s mind
Admonitory serving to warn; expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective

Use the following words to sound more smart and stylish than your friend. It is especially created for smart students!

Angst A very high feeling of anxiety
Anomaly Something standing out from normal
Bonafide Something which is authentic and real
Bravado An act of bravery mainly for impressing somebody
Cacophony An unpleasant blend of sounds
Carte Blanche The freedom given to one to do what they want to do
Cloying Disgusted by an excess of sweetness
Deja Vu A feeling of already having experienced something that one is facing at the moment
Dichotomy A contrast between two things totally different from each other
Disheveled Dirtying a person’s clothes
Epitome A person or a thing considered to be the most ideal
Equanimity Being in a very calm state
Equivocate Using a confusing way of speaking for avoiding commitment
Euphemism Replacing a harsh word by a mild word to avoid saying something unpleasant
Faux Pas An embarrassing act in a social situation
Fiasco A failure which turns into humiliation
Glib A fluent but shallow way of speaking
Gregarious An adjective for being considering a fond person
Harbinger A person who announces the coming of another person
Idiosyncratic Being peculiar or distinctive
Indelicate Showing a lack of understanding and not being delicate
Insidious Proceeding being stealthy and, but having very harmful effects of it
Lurid A color which is so bright that it causes a bad effect
Machiavellian Being cunning, mainly in the field of politics
Malinger Acting to be ill just to skip out on work
Minimalist A person practicing minimalism, mainly in politics
Narcissist A person who admires themselves to a very high extent
Oblivion Being unaware of the happenings in surroundings
Paradox A contradictory statement or theory that can be proved true by digging deep into it
Quid Pro Quo A favour granted in exchange for something

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